My Mind or Yours

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William was running through the streets.

"You can'T eScApe me HUman!" The creature behind him yelled.

He never knew what it was. It was massive and green. It had jagged green Crystal spikes running along it's back. It's fur a strange combination of green. It's face covered with dark green fur.

And it was damn fast. It was definitely faster than him in a blind Sprint. He had to traverse different obstacles to get away from it. He quickly turned down an alleyway of 2 large Crystal towers. He quickly ran down it, the sound of claws digging into the rock beneath him from behind.

He saw what looked like an automatic door out of a sci-fi movie. He sprinted to it and it opened. He barely made it inside before the thing grabbed him.

He didn't know where he was, but he sure as hell didn't want to test the effect of Crystal claws vs human flesh.

He panted as an elaborate set of stairs were to the left. They were intricately carved into the side of the building. In fact the entire inside was carved like an ancient temple. With depictions of what appeared to be 4 large women on the side.

He heard a loud thud behind him. Will turned back to see a large dents appear in the door.

"Come the fuck on!" He yelled as he ran up the stairs. He internally cursed as he noticed that while the stairs had ample room there was no hand rails.

The loud sound of retching metal filled the bottom floor as the door was pried open.

He had started to Sprint up the steps 3 at a time. The slow inward spiral of the teal colored building creating a strange spiral of stairs to the top. He passed what looked like a glass floor about every ten feet.

The. Crash behind him told him that the thing was getting closer.

"yOu caN Run But YoU can'T HidE HuMan." It's broken voice yelled at him.

He approached a door at the top of the stairs. It opened for him and he went inside. He looked behind him and pushed what looked like a lock.

As soon as he pushed it he took a few shaky steps. Will's heart was pumping so loud he felt like it would beat out of his chest. His legs being shaky didn't help him either.

He looked around the room he was in. It looked like some kind of office, a large desk in the center of the room. There was a wall to wall window on the side opposite the door. The chair of the desk clearly for someone a bit larger than the average human.

He rubbed his hands through his messy dirty blonde hair. His glasses being a bit out of place so he had to fix them. "Ok, think. Your being chased by a giant Crystal Dire wolf. You have no weapons, it is clearly strong enough to break down that door and your probably a few hundred feet up. ...great, what else could go wrong." He said.

This was answered when a large dents appeared on the door.

"Oh fuck me." He said to himself.

He laid himself back in the chair. His leg tapped at a machine gun pace.

"What do I do." He repeated over and over again.

"Remember, this is your gem as well now." A soft female voice said.

He looked around quickly, the voice seemed to come out of nowhere. He stood up out of the chair, ignoring the loud banging and scratching from the door.

"Who said that?" He asked.

"This is your Mindscape now, now just here. You have just as much control of what happens here as she does." The woman said again.

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