Bakugou x chubby! Bullied! Reader

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Its another day at UA and you were not excited to go. Why?. Because you would always get bullied by the kids in 1-b you would just try to be their friends but they would just make fun of your weight or the way your hair looks. All these little things made a big impact on you. You would stop talking to others, not eat anything thing at lunch and you would all ways have this emotionless dead expression on your beautiful chubby face. You thought no one cared or even looked in your direction but little did you know a certain hot-headed blond all ways cared about everything you do.
It was the start of another horrid day for y/n
She was sitting at her desk class 1-a waiting for her homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa to turn up in his cocoon of bright yellow. Y/n sat behind a boy she may have a bit of a crush on ok a big crush on his name is the one and only. Katsuki bakugou
Just something about him intrigued her but she knows that she's way out of his league because of her weight, ever since she was a child y/n has all ways bin that little overweight and she thinks that it's ugly, gross, disgusting even but it was the.complete opposite of bakugou he saw beauty, gorgeousness behind any flaws you see he just wish you could see that and look behind your insecurities. Class began and everyone was called to there seats and began the lesson.

~time skipidy ipidy ~
It was lunchtime and you usually 'eat' on the rooftop alone but you had a shocking surprise. Katsuki bakugou was sitting on the. The bench you have lunch on you were going to leave but it was too late he sees you and called you over, " oi! L/n
Over here I want to talk" he shout ruffly but this shout was different it was in its own was soft and gentle. So you followed his command and sat down next to him. A comforting silence spread across the roof until you decided to break it.
" well what did you want to talk about Bakugo"
The way you said his name made him blush slightly you were so kind to others yet you were treated badly and you did nothing wrong.
" well I just wanted to tell you something it's just umm ok I like you a lot like like you and I just want to let you know that if you need anyone to take to I'm always going to be here for you so yeah ... I love you y/n so much " he said so sweetly and calmly you started to cry about what he said. " noo oh no don't cry did I say something I'm sorry I'm so sorr-" you cut him off by a passionate kiss that he quickly melted into it felt like hours past when you finally pulled away from each other you looked in each other's eyes and stood in awe " I was crying because no one has ever made me feel so loved or even like and the truth is that I love you too bakugou and I have for a will I was just scared you would laugh in mummy face when I told you, " y/n said with a slight smile on her face " I will never laugh at you I love you so much my queen would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?" Bakugou said " I would love too," you said as you kiss your boyfriend and in a couple of years soon to be husband.❤️

Sorry if that was a bad ending to it I'm not very creative with how to end my story's but I hoped you liked it . Love yous ❤️💙

Chubby reader one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora