Chapter Three - Fly

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Leigh-Anne's POV

My chest rose and sunk at a faster pace than normal. The boy that had pinned me to the lockers was the guy in the front. I stared down at the dark wooden floors, feeling like my personal bubble had been invaded. The bell rang loudly as we just stood there. I glanced over slyly at Perrie then Jesy, them both being pinned to lockers. As people walked by, no one seemed to notice or even care in the slightest. I frowned, was this normal? Once everyone had left, I looked up slowly at the male. "Leigh-Anne.. you are quite the shy one." He murmured into my ear, thr intimacy made me shiver. Not in a good way, in a "please get off of me I'm uncomfortable" way.

I gathered up as much as I could out of my voice to say: "Please step back." I said, my voice breaking. I cursed myself inwardly. An ugly chuckle was my response, I glanced over at Perrie, seeing the blue hair boy that had pinned her was staring at the guy that had pinned me. He saw my expression, which I assumed was worry for my friend, then tried to engage on her. I was infuriated. In attempt to release my anger and help my friend, I knee the guy that was pinning me in the croch then punched him. He fell  to the floor with a loud thump, his hands holding his croch.

I heard another loud thump to my left, when I glanced over I saw the guy that had been holding Jesy to the wall on the ground, knocked out and with a bleeding nose. I gave her a high five, which didn't last long after I heard a third thump over where Perrie was and a triumphant but worried look. I didn't understand why either Perrie or Jesy were either worried or concerned, which are the same thing but it doesn't matter. I sighed to myself quietly in disappointment, but I was quickly dragged out of my inner thoughts when I heard Perrie and Jesy conversating among themselves. Jesy then turned to me as Perrie started to quickly walk toward the two big doors that lead outside

"Okay.. we are totally fucked so before we're either beat up or dragged to the principals office, let's fly out of here." Jesy said in a hurried voice, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the doors. I followed along, not afraid but confused. We were flying? I thought shifting was mostly banned at magical schools. "Come on, shift quickly, Leigh-Anne." I heard Perrie's voice once we were outside. I looked at her, then looked around for a moment. As soon as we walked out, we were standing in a clear field, the trees outlining the clearing.

"Okay Pez, hush." I said gently to her, then closed my eyes. I mentally searched for it, it wasn't something magical.. more like happy. I thought about the happy moments in my life, when I first met Perrie, which was when I was five.. when I first learned I had magical powers. I can slightly still hear my young voice saying "Wow.. Really!? I have powers like.." I then had tried to come up with some female superheroes, "Like Wonder Woman, or uh.." I then felt this powerful sensation. I felt my skin start to change, my face changing, along with my arms and legs.

Within moments, I was a green and black wyvren. Perrie and Jesy looked at me, both in their dragon forms. Jesy's dragon appeared to be a fire dragon, her scales fiery red. Perrie's dragon seemed to be an amphiptere, a much larger amphiptere dragon. Her scales where a wonderful ivy green and ocean blue. "Okay.. we best get going. No, we're not going to abandon this place, we're just going to fly away just enough so we can fly up into the clouds then back to here." Perrie's voice suddenly rang through my head. I saw Jesy nod, then with a big flap of her red wings, she was flying off. Perrie followed, and so did I. I jumped off of the ground, then flapped my wings in desperate attempt to get up into the air.

And here I was... Clouds hanging over me as I drifted through the air, my tail fin aiding me as I drifted with occasional small flaps of my black and green wings. The other two switched between flying behind me, beside me, or in front of me. "Does this happened often?" I asked the two girls, they responded with a low purr. I huffed, the noise almost echoing. Jesy suddenly let out a worried purr, I looked up at her. She had her head turned to the back of us. I turned my head for a moment to see trees falling as thundering paw steps sounded behind us, and were getting closer. Could they be?... I flew higher so I wouldn't get tackled, Perrie and Jesy did the same.

Suddenly, a drake leaped through the tree, its brown rocky armor shaking as the drake clawed up at us, clawing at the air. It fell to the ground with a very loud thump. The thundering footsteps stopped as it started to rain, we looked at eachother with relieved looks as we started to fly towards the clouds. I flapped my wings, the rain occasionally getting into my eyes. I tried to not let that stop me, but with the strong wind accompanying the rain it was very difficult. Jesy, Perrie, and I had trouble getting up to the clouds.

I let out a frantic, surprised growl along with a grunt as I was tackled. Claws gripped my wings, resulting in them piercing both of my wings. I let out a weak growl of pain, attempting to fly away. I looked up, seeing a white wyvern grasping me, its light blue eyes glaring down at me. Oh hell no. I thought to myself, I knew this would hurt and possibly cause serious damage to my wings if I didn't do it correctly, but it was worth the risk. I heard angry roars and growls sounding from where Perrie and Jesy were. I looked up for only a moment to see Jesy open her jaws, letting out a purr with a roar. It was a strange sound, I didn't have time to think on it as I was plummeting towards the ground, the white wyvern pushing me down.

I hit the forest floor hard. Excruciating pain went through my neck, stomach, and lower half. I sighed to myself, now or never. I ripped my wings out of their grip, then flew up quickly, scratching the white wyvern's face as I flew up. I couldn't feel the difference between my blood and the rain, but I was getting awfully dizzy. I looked up at Perrie and Jesy, who were having a hard time shaking the other two wyvren's. I was about to fly up to them when I heard a loud, deafening rawr. I turned to see a icy blue dragon. Jesy let out a triumph roar. Was that Jade?

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