Chapter Five - Oops

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Leigh-Anne's POV

I walked around cluelessly. Jesy had showed me where I was staying, which was in an empty dorm. I now walked down the dormitory hall, doors on either side of me. I wished someone was in my dorm with me, but that was okay. It meant more alone time for me and myself, no having to worry about coming out of the bathroom after taking a shower in a towel, etc. I started to become happy about the lack of company in my dorm. I could study without interruption, and a lot more without interruption. I approached the end of the long hallway, people casually talking around the black railing. I looked around, the ceiling was high and the dark wood was carved into beautiful vines and roses. There was about six feet of walk room before it cut off to the railing. Next to the wall on my left was a circular stair case, it also having black railings.

I looked up, seeing people stare at me. I worried that I had done something, so I casually said: "Is there something on my face?..." I asked, they quickly went back to their conversations, acting as if nothing had happened. I shrugged and walked down the stairs, getting a bit cold because of my hair was still sorta dripping wet from the rain. My arms were in bandages, but my big green sweatshirt I wore covered them. Jade, Perrie, Jesy, and myself had stayed out in the rain for about an hour. I had been exhausted that I shifted back into my human form where I had lain. The three girls had shifted back as well, all of them getting drenched in rain. They all had helped me walk back, which I was a bit upset about because we could have easily just flew back but they had insisted we walk. We had then gone to Jesy's room once we had finally walked back, she said she had bandages in her dresser in her dorm. Jade didn't stay for it, she instead went back to her own dorm. Perrie helped by letting me bite on cloth has Jesy disinfected my wounds on my arms. I had napped for about thirty minutes and changed, it had been three hours since all of that had happened and the night was approaching fast, it getting darker and darker outside. The wounds on my arms weren't as deep as they were, I didn't have big gaping holes in my arm anymore. The holes had healed to some extent, but they were still a good inch deep.

I thought about why Jade didn't want to stay, not like she had to and she would probably just be standing there, but why did she leave? It was probably stupid to think about but I couldn't help myelf. As I got off of the stairs, I stood there for a moment. Was I annoying her? Or did she not think I could care about myself? Why did I care about what she thought of me? It can't be that important to me, but it is.. "You look troubled." A familiar voice said, I walked a little, then stood at the entrance to the library. I saw my mother staring at me with cold eyes, my heart sank. I hated seeing her look at me that way, like I had murdered someone.

I walked into the library, staying close to the aisles as I casually replied: "I'm not troubled, just thinking." I folded my arms across my chest as I looked around. No one was in the library, and it was oddly quiet besides a loud book slamming shut, which I assumed was my mother closing her book. "Oh? Alright." She said. I didn't bother continuing the conversation as I looked at the aisles names. "Your books are in the senior section, second aisle." My mother spoke up, I glanced at her. Her face expression didn't change, but something in the way she looked at me did. I nodded my thanks, and started towards the senior section. I didn't bother looking up at the sign that hung over me and on the three aisles in the back as I walked towards the second aisle. As I walked past the first aisle, I noticed someone sitting at a table with a small stack of books stacked up on the table. I stopped, looking intently at the person. The person looked up at me, their head tilting to the side.

I walked into the aisle, then raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Jade?" I asked. The girl nodded as she hastily got up, her chair knocking over because she stood up so abruptly. I rushed towards her as she fell, her legs tangled in the chair legs. I heard a spew of curses from her as I got closer. I stopped, bending down a little as I offered her a hand. She grabbed it, her eyes trained on our hands as she pulled on me. I helped her up, pulling her up as she stumbled up cutely. Jade was really light, and really adorable. I shook my head, I just met this girl, yet we had already been through so much that I felt like I've known her forever. I heard her huff. I let her go, then bit my lower lip as I turned around and started to walk away.

"Where ya goin'?" Jade asked as she followed me. I made my way to the second aisle, brushing my fingertips along the spines of the books. I glanced at the entrance to the aisle. She was leaning against the aisle, looking at me. "Trying to find my books I wrote." "Oh? I might know where they are. What are the titles?" I looked at her, surprised. She shrugged, walking over to me. "Well the first book is called 'Learning how to successfully shift'." I said, then stepped back as she walked in front of me. Jade's head bobbed up and down as her eyes scanned the spines of the books. I followed her as she walked further into the aisle. Jade suddenly stopped, pulling out a book. The book had a brown leather cover, dust collected on the top pages.

Jade blew off the cover, the dust coming right towards me. I coughed as I waved my hand in front of my face. She looked at me apologetically, then opened the book. I got behind her, looking over her shoulder. My eyes scanned the page she was on, a soft smile lighting up on my face. "Wow.. I didn't expect my books to be here.." I murmured, noticing I was murmuring into her ear from how close we were. My face heated as I stepped back. Jade's eyes were trained on the page, she didn't move. "J-Jade?.." I worried I had gotten a little to close to her. What if I had invaded her personal space and she had said something but I didn't hear? "Yea?" She asked, glancing back at me. "I'm sorry if I invaded your personal space, that was wr-" "It's okay, Leigh." She said blandly, not wanting to hear my apology.

RATS! NO DON'T FIGHT IN HERE!" My mother's voice suddenly rang through the library as loud commotion sounded in the library. I glanced at Jade. She looked annoyed as she jogged out of the aisle. I followed her, jogging behind her. I ran to the front of the library, stopping when I saw two boys fighting. They looked familiar.. One had blue hair and the other had black hair. Both of their eyes were glowing, anger filled in both of their eyes. "You dumbass!" The guy with black hair yelled as he continually punched the guy with blue hair. I ran up to them, Jade following quickly behind me. I pulled the guy with black hair off of the other dude, pushing him back as hard as I could, which wasn't hard because of my tender arms. Jade helped the other guy up as she glared at the guy I had pulled off of the other guy.

"What the hell did you do, Finn?" She asked, still staring at the guy with black hair. Finn stumbled for the right words, but couldn't find any. He stood there in silence, his head down. Jade's glare turned into a death glare, her nostrils flaring. She threw the boy with blue hair down, earning a groan of pain from him. She shoved past me and Finn. Before exiting the library, she grabbed onto Finn's shirt, glaring up at him. "I won't go back on what I said would happen." Then walked out of the library.

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