Chapter Eight - You Don't Control Me

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Leigh-Anne's POV

Jade hasn't spoken to me since what I had done in the bathroom. I tried to talk to her but she would either say she had to study or she would get up, murmuring "I have class, sorry," and walk out. I felt bad for going so far with her, it was obvious she was upset about it. I sat on a couch in the library's lounge area, reading a book on spells we were suppose to study for our battle class. I flipped a page in the book, my eyes scanning over the page. I was currently reading about binding and holding spells, I wasn't sure why we were studying these in class but I wasn't complaining. I bit my lower lip, grabbing my notebook and writing down some of the spells. Footsteps sounded in front of me, but I didn't look up. I kept my eyes on the page, reading intently. The footsteps stopped near me, then the couch tilted as someone sat down.

I glanced sideways, seeing my mother sitting next to me. I went back to my book without a word, hearing a sigh come from her. "Leigh?" She said, "Yes?" I looked at her. She paused before continuing, "Can we.. talk?" My mother asked in a nervous voice. I wanted to say no, I did. I just.. couldn't. "About what?" I murmured, looking down at my hands. "About.. What happened.." She said in a quiet voice, sighing again. "About what happened? There's so much that happened." I said a little harshly. I looked at her, seeing hesitation on her face.

"Uhm.." She looked like she was trying to find the right words, "Uhm.." I parrot, earning a motherly glare from her. I glared back, then turned back to my book. I bit my lower lip in worry, what did she want to talk about? Could it be about my father? Or.. no. She knew that subject hurt me too much, I hoped she did because I didn't want to talk about it. I felt her hand travel up my leg, and I froze as she said: "I want to talk about your father and-" "My father. Okay. What about him?" I interrupted her, dragging my leg away quickly from her and setting my foot on the floor. My mother looked at me, then sighed. "I wanted to say: I'm sorry, I might have overre-" she paused when she heard a soft plop. I had been biting my lower lip so hard that blood dripped on the paper of my notes. I murmured curses and other things as I tried to wipe it away.

Giving up, I looked at her. "Overreacted? Overreacted?" I scoffed. I tried to contain my anger, it was so difficult. Having my mother saying sorry years later, and not even in an apologetic voice, hurts. Having her say she overreacted and not even a hint of regret in her voice also hurt deeply. "Leigh-" I heard her say in a soft tone, but I didn't reply. I turned back to my book, biting my lower lip. I tasted blood but I didn't care in that moment. I felt the couch get even again when she got up, then walked away. I felt a little sleepy, but continued reading.

About an hour later

I must have dozed off because I heard someone call my name in the distance. I sat up slowly, my head throbbing for some unknown reaosn. Though I wasn't in the library anymore. I must be dreaming, I thought to myself. I looked around, fear traveling up my spine when I saw where I was. "No, no, no, no.. Not here. Please!" I was in a white sleeveless shirt, though it was more of a coat that covered my upper body, chains wrapped around me as I sat in a starch white room. There was a bed at a corner, then a door. I started breathing heavily, then heard murmurs outside of the door. I stumbled up, leaning against the stone wall. I heard my name again, but much louder. I bit my lower lip, then started to bang my head against the stone wall softly.

I shot up, my breathing heavy. I looked around wearily, I was in the library. My eyes met Perrie's worried-filled ones. "Leigh? Are you okay? I've been looking for you everywhere!" She said in a worried tone. I waved her off, murmuring; "I'm fine," as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. My head throbbed, but I soon realized I wasn't on the couch I had been on. I looked around slowly. I was in a chair, slumped in front of a desk. I looked at Perrie, asking in a quiet voice; "Where am I, Pez?.." Perrie gave me another worried look, then moved some hair out of my face in a friendly way. "You're in the uh.." She looked up, squinting. My vision was a bit blurry, but I heard her say, "You're in aisle twenty-four.." She trailed off, probably noticing how out of it I was.

Perrie moved the chair away from the desk and then picked me up, my head bobbing. I leaned my head on her shoulder as she carried me out of the aisle. I heard my mother say something, but I started to doze in and out. I heard another familiar voice, then I was being carried by another person. I opened my eyes, my vision clearing for a second to see Jade holding me. "Jade?.. Wh... What is.." My eyelids started to get heavy and my words slurred. "Shhh, it's okay, Leighly. Just.. go to sleep." Jade murmured into my ear. I nodded subtly and then drifted off back to sleep.

Jade's POV

I set Leigh down on her bed gently, smiling softly at the girl. I stepped away from her bed then turned to Perrie and Jesy, whom were right behind me. "What do you think happened?" Jesy asked. "Drugged maybe?" I suggested, going over to my bed. "Drugged? But why would anyone drug Leigh-Anne? No one even knows her." Perrie said. Jesy looked at me, I looked at Perrie. I sat on my bed, that's when realization dawned on me, "Everyone expect my mother and Mrs. Thalia." I looked at them both. Shock flashed across Perrie's face, but Jesy's remained still. "But why would either of them drug her? What benefit could they-" Jesy stopped mid sentence when she looked at me.

She then walked towards me slowly. Jesy was about to ask me but I answered before she could ask. "You really think I'd try to get her hurt like I hurt Alyssa?" I said in an irritated tone, now standing. My anger was getting the best of me. I had a short temper that
occasionally got the best of me. "You didn't hurt Alyssa." Perrie said in a stern tone, but backed off when I shot her a glare. Jesy stepped in, glaring at me. "You didn't hurt her. It was-" "Don't you dare say it was her fault." I said in a quiet, but deadly tone. Jesy gave me a pleading look, but backed off as well. Perrie sighed as I sat back on my bed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well.. I'm assuming all of us going to the new club is off?" She said in a disappointed tone. Jesy nodded, looking down. I nodded, sighing. "Yea.. It would've been fun but I don't think-"

"What? No, whatever you guys were just talking about is still on! I could use a night out." Leigh suddenly said, making Jesy and Perrie turn to her in surprise. Leigh was sitting upright, her legs dangling off of the bed. "No, Leigh. You were just possibly dru-" "You don't control me, Jade." She interrupted me, looking at me sternly. I looked at her for a moment before backing off with a small sigh. It was true, I didn't control her, though I wished she'd have a little common sense. Perrie ignored our little interaction and smiled excitedly, "Well gals, let's get going!"

"What the hell was that, Jade?" Jesy asked me. We had all decided that we would help eachother get dressed, so I offered to help Jesy get dressed. We had gone to Jesy's dorm while Leigh and Perrie were in my dorm. I didn't look at her as I rummaged through her closet, trying to find something for her to wear. "Nothing, Jes. Don't worry 'bout it." I said, pulling out a shirt with ripped jean shorts and high thighs for her. "'Don't worry 'bout it'? What else am I suppose to do? You guys obviously.. did something one of you guys weren't comfortable with and now you guys are at eachother's throats because you both are tired of brushing it off but you both are afraid to say something because you both are worried it'd set the other one off." Jesy said bluntly.

I stared at her in astonishment, then handed her the outfit I had put together. She took it and then started getting dressed. I had my back towards her, thinking about what she had just said. I mean, was she lying? And how the hell did she get that from just one interaction? I shook my head, laughter bubbling up. "How the hell did you get that from one interaction?" I asked her. I could practically hear her roll her eyes, she let out a sigh. "One? From the way you guys are always avoiding eachother it's kinda obvious," Jesy paused, grunting as she put something on, then continued, "And besides, Pez was the first to tell something was up." She said. "I'm done, you can turn around." Jesy said as I turned around, grinning at her.

"You're one sexy girl, Jesy Nelson." I said, winking at her as I walked towards the door. She bit her lower lip and winked at me, following closely behind me. I smiled at her softly, causing her to pull on my arm and whisper into my ear, "It's still off? How?" She asked quietly, stepping away from me. I just looked down and pulled the door open, walking back to my dorm so I could get dressed.

kinda a filler- sorry- the next chapter will be fun thoo

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