Chapter Four - Scared

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Jade's POV

I woke up slowly, I had tried to blink but I couldn't see, something covered my eyes. Panic flooded into me, but I had known where I was. I could hear footsteps around me, but no one spoke. I hoped I wasn't here to.. I didn't want it to happen again, but life isn't fair and we don't get what we want. I had tried getting up but my arms were tied to the very uncomfortable steel chair I was in. A door had creaked open behind me. Someone had walked around for a second, then stopped behind me. The thing that was covering my eyes was ripped off roughly. I had looked up slowly to see my mother glaring down at me. Fear had bubbled in me as she started to walk around me slowly. Well, I was fucked. "Mu-"

"Don't call me that, you know what to address me as." She had snapped harshly at me. I had cleared my throat, trying as hard as I could not to show any fear, "Principal," I had bit out, not bothering to use what other people referred to her as. "Better." She had said, then stopped behind me.

The memory of what had happened hit me hard, but I shook it off as my blue wings flapped in the air. The dragons further up ceased their fighting at they turned to look at me. I looked at the black and green wyvern staring at me, curiosity in its eyes. "Oh thank god you came! Just in time too." Jesy's voice rang in my head. No one else besides Perrie knew how to talk to me telepathically while we were in dragon form, so I assumed it was only Jesy in my head. "Yes.. I had just gotten out of my mother's office when I heard your distressed roar." I replied, then growled at the boys by Jesy and the dragon beside her. The two whined and flew off. I roared loudly and up came my brother from the woods, his face slick with rain and blood. I snapped my jaws at him, baring my teeth. He quickly flew past me and back to the school. Not so fast, I thought to myself and then flew after him.

He whined when I grabbed his wing, my claws slightly piercing them. "Obviously you're going to go and tell mother, but I swear if Jesy or any of those two other dragons go NEAR the principals office because of your little group, I will personally rip off your head. Understood?" I said in an icy tone to him, and he replied with a quick nod. I let him go. It was slightly amusing to see him flee from me. I flew back, stopping only for a moment to glance at the black and green wyvern. It stayed where it was, its green and black wings flapping. I thought I saw blood on its wings but it was difficult to tell with the rain. I then flew up a bit higher, looking at Jesy before speaking to her telepathically, "Who's the wyvern?" I asked her, "Leigh-Anne." She replied. I was honestly a bit surprised, then it hit again.

"You know she told me of what you were doing with her.." My mother's horrendous voice had rung through my head. My head had throbbed from being wacked so hard. "And how disappointed I was, you wouldn't understand." I doubted she had even cared when she had seen how broken I was when I was forced to witness what my mother had done to her. I was shaking, my whole body vibrating in fear. "You're always d-disappointed in me, what made th-that any different?" I had asked, my teeth chattering. Fuck, I needed to calm down. I felt a sting on my right cheek. I had winced, attempting to blink away the pain. The principal had tied whatever had been covering my eyes over my eyes again.

I had heard footsteps around me, then they ceased. I didn't know where my mother was though when I felt a harsh tug on my hair, I had realized she was behind me. "The difference? There was none, but oh, I will make you remember all of it." She had murmured from behind me. "No, no, no, please NO!"

I heard a loud crash and some tree branches break as big blurrs zoomed past my eyes, that's what snapped me out of it. I flew down to see what had happened. I landed infront of Leigh-Anne, looking down at her worriedly. Rain poured harder as she tried to stand with her wings shakily, but flopped back down onto the forest floor. "Should we carry her?" Perrie asked telepathically, "I don't know if that's smart," Jesy replied. I knew something was wrong, and I didn't know what. I scanned Leigh-Anne's body, my eyes stopped at her wings. There were pretty big gaping, bloody hole in her wings. I nudged her face with mine, purring softly. I could feel Perrie's and Jesy's gaze on me.

"Are you okay to be carried or would you rather wait here?" I asked her telepathically, no one else besides Leigh-Anne could hear me. "I'll wait here for a bit.. I don't want to have to go to the infirmary on my first day." She replied, shaking off the pouring rain from her head. I looked up at Perrie and Jesy. Perrie had a confused look on her face while Jesy simply dazed out of reality, her fiery red eyes trained on a fallen and broken branch. "Infirmary?" "It's like a hospital expect you don't have to pay." I answered Perrie. "You don't have an infirmary here?" Leigh-Anne asked, surprised. "We can talk more at lunch." I replied coldly at her. I looked down at her, feeling a bit hurt that she had a look of worry on her face. I wanted to say more but I couldn't, so I sat down as the rain poured harder.

I was up in my dormitory, drying my hair with a blue towel. I was in a robe, on my bed as I stared at the bed on the otherside of the room. I didn't like that I shared a room with someone but I didn't complain. I looked around the fairly large room. The dark oak wood ceiling pannels aimed upward. The walls were painted a dark red, fairly close to blood red. People rarely came into the dorms, so I was glad I had a little quiet. Sure when I read it was quiet, but I knew someone was in the room with me. I looked down at my right wrist, starting to murmur some words as I drew small circles on my wrist. The door suddenly bursted open. Startled, I quickly put my hands underneath my thighs. Two brunettes and a blonde walked in, them staring at me. "Having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself?" The blonde teased. Fury bubbled in my stomach, but I didn't act on it. I ignored her comment as I went back to squeezing my hair from the rain water.

"Oh I could only imagine," one of the burnettes said in a really annyoing tone, "How hard it is to keep her hands to herself when she's around Jesy or Perrie." I was looking down at my feet, my bottom lip rolling inbetween my teeth. I really, really wanted to show these girls a lesson but I held back. The other burnette flashed me an evil grin as she said, "She must really miss Alyssa a lot to be toying or lusting after the new girl." The girl teased as my lip busted. Blood drip on my white robe but I couldn't care as rage almost consumed me.

"Isn't that right, Jadey?" That's it. I stood up abruptly, glaring at the girls. I knew I was about to give them what they wanted but I couldn't let them use the nickname she gave me with such ease. I flicked my hand and the girls slammed against the dark wood wall. "Now, really girls?" I started to talk as I got dressed, "You're really going to use that nickname that she gave me and expect to get away with it?" I clucked in a disappointed tone, really trying hard not to snap and just kill them. I pulled out a black sweatshirt along with black leggings. I walked over to my closet and walked into it until they could see me. I slipped off my robe and got underwear and a bra, then slipped on the sweatshirt and leggings.

I walked out, glaring at them still. The blonde opened her mouth to say something but I held up a hand. "No need, I'm leaving you all here until after lunch." I said in a cold tone as fear and fury entered their deathly glares at me. I waved a hand at them as the bell rang. "See you later." I said, slamming the door shut.

Only You (Leighade)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz