My Crime

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Every bruise on her body has a story,
She could tell you when and why
But little good would it do
She cannot fight back now.

Of course, ''it was all her fault,''
She made too much noise,
Dirtied her new Sunday dress,
Or didn't do the housework to satisfaction.

Yes of course she should be punished,
She did not answer when called
She preferred hiding in the tree
To finish a much loved book.

Every bruise on her body has a story,
I could tell you when and why
But I won't, I will stay silent
As silent I kept when she was disciplined
For any minor infraction.

I let her cower under the blows
But the real coward was me
Who did not fight for her
And now I look at her, at peace at last
The only peace death can give.

I wish it was me in her place
But little good would it do,
As every bruise on her frail body
Reminds me of my crime.
My silence signed
Her death warrant.

Note 1: I wrote this to raise awareness about domestic violence and if left unchecked, the consequences can be desastrous.  Not every man or woman can  fight domestic abuse  but there are refuges for abused mothers  and children to go to. 

Note 2: I write mostly from a woman's point of view but domestic violence happens to men as well.

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