The Queen of Hearts and her band of merry people...

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The bus races through Tower Bridge on Monday morning,
I smile at passers by, wave hello to strangers
Who avoid my gaze, they think I am crazy,
I sing out of tune and skip along the pavement,

Maybe they are right, being happy is not the thing
So early in the morning. In cafes, bossy customers
Give a hard time to waiters so busy,
'Leave them'', I say, ''let's do a little jig of merriment.''

In the middle of Tower Bridge, suddenly the bus stops
All passengers pour out and hold each other hand,
They start a mad swirl of hops and bops,
On Monday morning, all we need is to follow the band.

The Goddess Within  (and my words became me...)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora