Jerry No Mates...

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He is the bloke next door no one ever looks at.
Jerry No Mates tries desperately to hide the fact
He has no real friends to share a good laugh with,
His jovial attitude down the pub is only a myth.

Jerry No Mates goes home alone at closing time.
He is shy with girls, he knows he isn't in his prime.
He has no money, working in a café washing plates,
Daydreaming he is a handsome hulk going on dates.

Life is bleak for Jerry No Mates, gone are his dreams.
Where is the pretty girl who dumped him in his teens,
She threw his love away like a piece of filthy garbage.
Since then, Jerry No Mates has lost all his courage.

Jerry No Mates is the bloke next door nobody looks at.
Yet Shirley at the café tries desperately to hide the fact
That she loves him dearly, he is unaware that his fate
Has changed. After all, Jerry No Mates will go on a date.

The Goddess Within  (and my words became me...)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin