The three little caterpillars..

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We were three little sister caterpillars,
No one paid notice to us, lowly worms.
Sometimes we would sadly look to the stars
To these mighty butterflies so full of charms.

As we crawled our way on this earth,
We wished so much to be beautiful.
But a wish needs a Fairy Godmother,
And little caterpillars are not that graceful.

One stormy night, something strange happened.
My sisters and I got scared and retreated into
our cocoons, the only safe place to ride a storm and
To fall asleep. What went on then, no one knew,

Dark doings, mutations or magical spells in the air,
We woke up, the three of us no more ugly caterpillars,
But beautiful as the magnificent beings we so admired.
Maybe little caterpillars have a Fairy Godmother after all.

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