No More (Women's Series)

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The time has passed since we women
Were chained to the kitchen sink
And provided every comfort to men,
While ourselves were left with nothing.

The time has passed, yet too many
Of us still die in childbirth or sickness,
Toil long hours in sweatshops with barely
Enough to feed a family, feeling powerless.

The time has passed but too many of us
Are still living a life down on our knees,
Unsafe, beaten, dead before living, thus
We reclaim our power to reject indignities.

The time has passed, but people are still blind,
They denounce but they are the oppressors.
As in the West, our so called freedom is a fallacy,
Really,  naked woman to sell food processors?

The time has passed since we women accepted
Everything, being told to shut up, to be grateful.
We fought long and hard to get  educated,
We made it happen, together we are powerful.

We'll never stop challenging the powers that be.
We'll carry on denouncing the plight
Of our less fortunate sisters, you won't see
Us on our knees! Women's power is our right!

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