1. Why..?

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It was a rainy day and Izuku and Kirishima got a text from their lovers...

Izukus Pov:

I  received a text from Todoroki Kun. It seems as he wanted to meet up with me at the park, so I got changed and headed for the park. His text was bothering me...I was nervous.
Todoroki: "Hey.. Midoriya please meet me at the park...we need to talk.."
this was spinning around in my head! What does he want to talk about? Is something bothering him? Am I a bad boyfriend? Does he want...to break up!? No no it can't be that. I finally reached the park. He was there right in front of me. He looked so... serious..something was definitely bothering him but what could it be?

Todoroki's Pov:

"I'm sorry Midoriya...this is just...isn't working out.." I felt guilty..but it was better then getting caught with bakugo..I just hope bakugo is breaking up with Kirishima right now..."W-What!? N-no your j-joking right!? You h-have to be!" His voice was so...sad, broken but most importantly shocked..I felt so.. terrible. Why did I do this..I knew he was suffering from depression but I didn't care less. I walked away from him. I heard him cry loudly, whimpering "N-no t-todoroki! W-why!?"


Kirishima's Pov:

"Yo babe!" I waved at bakugou. We were currently at a park due to a text I received Bakugo: "shitty hair..meet me at the park in five..we need to talk.
He looked serious, a bit sad? Or guilty? I couldn't actually tell what he was feeling.
"Ugh shitty hair we are over..go find someo-" I cut him him off crying. This was the first I was crying...I know I wasn't very manly but tears just came. I tried to say something, he just walked away...did I do something? Am I a bad person? What did I do!?

Bakugou's Pov:

"Ugh shitty hair we are over..go find someo-" I was fucking cut off by him! This wasn't as planned...I gave up and walked away. This is gonna be really bad for Deku..Not that I'm worried! It's just..he has depression..I looked back, shitty hair was on the floor..somehow crying? I've never seen him cry..what the fuck have I done. I arrived back at my dorm, I saw Icy Hot and we decided to talk for a while.

No One's Pov:

Todoroki was currently talking to Bakugou, meanwhile Kirishima and Izuku was in their dorms. Crying, feeling heartbroken..but Izuku chose to grab the knife he always used when he's sad...he cuts himself yes..he does this all the time..But guess what he forgot to lock the door..some walked in. Red hair. Red eyes. "N-no it's not what it looks like!" Izuku hid the knife and somehow Kirishima hugs izuku? Does he care? Does he feel pain like Izuku? Yes pain..greif...all sorts of feelings.

Hey! I hope you enjoy this! And well have a nice day!

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