•Regions•|Part one |(One-shot #5)

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Fair warning, the characters won't be addressed by their last names in this one. Back to the story!!

The Bakugo's were one of the well-known families that rule over the Dauntless region, which is where all the security and guards are trained and emitted to protect other regions. The Kirishima's were also well known for their kindness and loyalty, that's why they are the most well-known royal family name that you'd hear when the Amity region is being discussed. Amity is well known for its friendship and piece, that why when arguments or tensions between region families breakout, they're the ones who keep the peace and solve the conflict. That's why the citizens of the regions were surprised when they found out the two had an arranged marriage that both families agreed to.

"Katsuki, make sure you dress nice and don't scare him away from you brat!" Mistkui pestered her only son. "Shut the hell up, old hag! I know what does." Katsuki resorted. "Calm down, were in front of another royal family. You two better not bring shame to the name!" Masuru voice boomed, causing them to be quite. He was a very reserved man and only spoke when necessary. But when he did, you knew he was representative of power. You would blindly follow his orders out of fear.
"Now then, let's go." He directed the two ash-blondes.

The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

Getting in the carriage to go to the Kirishima's sacred land, Bakugo called one of his friends from the Amity region off his orb.

"Hey Deku! Have you seen the Kirishima's, son? I have to make sure I'm marrying some that are at least decent." Katsuki said.

"Sure Kachann! He's right here."

"What are you doing over there you damn deku!" Katsuki yelled receiving a hit on his head from his mom.
"Don't worry, I won't be here when you arrive. My mom and his parents are just having a meeting to plan out the' future for the next generation of rulers' as they put it."
"Tough, anyway show me him!" Katsuki commanded. Izuku rushed to give the orb to Erijo.
"Hi! Your Katsuki, right? Wow, is your hair that naturally spiky? Wow, you have the same eye color as me. What hobbies do you like to do? Would you show me some defense moves when you come over here?" He asked, flashing his shark smile that left Katsuki breathless.

Wow, he sure he is different. All the other women didn't even care to ask him what he liked, it was all about looks and publicity.

After composing himself, Katsuki managed to squeak something out after staring his mother and father down for laughing at his idiotic.

"Yes, my hair is naturally this spikey. If you want to learn some moves I'm willing to teach you but you won't get them overnight. " Katsuki said. His cheeks were still red and hot.
"Really?! Thanks so much, Katsuki!" Kirishima said. The way he said his name made Katsuki feel special. And he hasn't felt like this since Ochaka. (Had to put this in for those Katsuki x Ochako fans. I don't really get how you can ship them. Not my OTP, but it's still a ship and it's sailing).

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