•Regions•|Part two|(One-shot)

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Hey guys! I might not update the collab part two tmr. Probably on Monday or Wednesday. Anyway, hope you enjoy. The chapters are starting to get longer.
Fantasy AU
I've heard of stories of goddesses that were supposed to be beautiful and all that shit, but Erijou had me stunned. The one and only never had any of the ones before ever done that! But face to face, he was even more beautiful.

"Hello, Mrs and Mr.Kirishima! This is my son Katsuki Bakugo", Mitsuki said gesturing towards her double-ganger. " Hello." Bakugo greeted dryly, his voice seemed to forget how to form words since he was in the same room as Erijou. "Ahem, Masaru said clearing his throat, shall we allow our children to wander off and bond while we discuss?" The Kirishima's nodded towards the two young men. "First, I'm Clair and this is Magnus. Nice to meet you Bakugo, Mitsuki and Masaru, " the queen said. "Your majesty. Will you allow me the pleasure of being shown around by the prince?" Katsuki said. He usually didn't say anything when his parents meet with other royal families, but the red-haired one he liked. "No need to be formal, your still so young!" The Queen said impressed by his manners, "Ei here doesn't have a care in the world. Just call me Clair. Erijou, why don't you show him around since that is your future wife after all." All the rulers we're smirking as the two became flustered. Bakugo decided to ignore the comment about him paying the wife role, he knew he wasn't gonna bottom. He was dauntless after all.

"Oh, u-um, yeah. C'mon Katsuki!" Erijou said, sending one of his sun-bright smiles while grabbing Katsuki's hand. Thank god he was turned around so he couldn't see Katsuki's red face. But his parents, and Clair and Magnus? He wasn't so sure.

"So, K- shitty hair, where we going?" Katsuki asked. He came up with the nickname on the spot since he started to feel weird- well warm when he said his name. "Shitty hair?" Kirishima asked, tilting his head to the side. Shit! Don't panic. "Nickname, usually don't call people by their real name," Katsuki explained. Kirishima nodded, finally slowing done the pace so they could walk. "I planned on taking you to the garden. Thought you might want to see the fire bloomers we grow. Since your element does have to do with fire, " Kirishima said facing him. "Oh, yeah. What's your element?" "Rock. I can harden any part of my skin!" He said excitedly. "You sound like a human shield to me. Perfect for dauntless, not amity." "Really, a lot of people say that? Guess I can be dauntless if you show me some moves." Kirishima said nudging him in the shoulder. "Yah, I'll teach you. Anyway, take me to the fire bloomers", Katsuki said turning his head the other way.

All you have to do is just make it through today... Just today.

Retaining his leveled head that was also cursing all the time, he kept going on with the tour.
" And this is my room or our room," Kirishima said. "Hn, " Katsuki said. Kirishima had learned that Katsuki was a man of very few words, or only said what was necessary.

That's good for me, Kirishima thought, I'm a total pushover.

"So, any questions?" Kirishima asked stepping forward. Big mistake, Katsuki stepped forward at the same time and they ended up bumping heads. "Ow, damn it! Did you activate your element or something or are you just naturally hard-headed?!" Katsuki yelled still sitting on the floor. "The second part can go both ways, " Kirishima said completely unaffected. For the first time, he heard Katsuki laugh. And it was beautiful. It was deep but it flowed lightly as if it was a melody he could dance to all day and never get tired. "Here", Kirishima said giving him a hand, but Katsuki just ended up pulling him down with him.
" Guess I do top", Kirishima said. Looking down at the position they were on in, Katsuki got hard. Noticeably hard.

Please don't notice, please don't notice Katsuki begged inside his kind as if it were a mantra. But he saw Kirishima look down. "Looks like someone's hard", he said before palming him through his pants.

What the hell? You got damn bastard, get off me!

" hey-stop, ngh~," unable to form words or gather any strength he turned into jello at the red hair's hands. "Your totally a bottom!" Kirishima laughed. Katsuki felt tears forming in his eyes out of frustration and humiliation.

He's just after my body, just like the rest of them.

"Hey- why are you crying?! Do you really want me to stop that bad!" Kirishima panicked. Katsuki just hiccuped and sobbed, full-on weeping his eyes out.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I can wait until we're married." Kirishima said rubbing circles on his back as he was still balled up in a fetus position( a ball people.) "Its- not that. I thought you were different. But you're just like the rest of them. Just after my body!" He finally spat after being interrupted by his own sobs. "I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone, " Kirishima said getting up. "Don't go, " Katsuki whispered, "stay. Please?" Kirishima nodded and sat back down. Whispering sorry over and over to fragile boy.

I probably look like such a fucking baby. Why the hell does he does this to me? I don't like it.

Lifting his head up, he was hugged by Kirishima. "I'm really really sorry. I promise I'm not like the others. Please don't leave me!" His voice was now breaking. Katsuki just sat there, allowing himself to be hugged.

"I'm sorry, he whispered, " for overreacting." "It's my fault for even touching you. " Silence filled the room. "We should head back now. I'm sure our parents are probably done with their discussion", Kirishima said lending him a hand. And their trip back to the throne room was in awkward but comforting silence.
" So how was your tour? Did Ei answer all your questions, he's not really good at history." Clair said. "Let them be, Clair. Can't you see you're making them uncomfortable?" Magnus spoke for the first time. Katsuki starting laughing with tears in his eyes along with Kirishima. Magnus voice... Well, it wasn't fully developed or underwent puberty so it was very squeaky. Somehow, Mitsuki and Masaru managed to keep straight faces except for the snickers here and there. After the two boys finished laughing, they made contact and suddenly both could tell that all was forgiven.
Finally, Mitsuki and Masaru looked at Katsuki for his word on the arranged marriage. "I'm cooking though, I can tell your clumsy in the kitchen and I don't feel like eating anything burnt. But what will the public say, and what about reproductions and continuing the heir and all that?" Katsuki asked. "Well, since you said yes, Clair began, the Tokoyami's agreed on helping us. With their blessed power, they've created a medicine that should help with the baby part. But the tinks haven't been fully worked out yet and we're not taking the risk so give them a few more months to perfectly develop it and we have a baby!" Clair explained. "Alright then, let's go future husband. We have to plan kit the babies room", Katsuki said, this time it was him giving a smile and dragging Kirishima out the room and it was the red-haired boys turn to blush.
Both royal families had a hearty laugh at the precious moment they would last witness before they have to let them go.

They grow up so fast they all thought simultaneously.
Total word count: 1303

I hope you enjoyed. Thanks so much! Can't believe I've got over 300 views. Might start working on this book only so it has 50 chapters. New goals.

DekuBaku/Bakudeku One-shot collectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora