Cookies! (Danny Sexbang x Reader)

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Synopsis: You're a borrower who gets caught by Ninja Brian and Danny Sexbang after you steal one too many cookies (and realise that you aren't sneakier than a Ninja...)

"Oh SHIT!" You screamed in your head as one of the humans whose house you secretly lived in towered over the kitchen counter you'd been trying to grab some food from. Guess you WEREN'T sneakier than a Ninja...

You yelped as you were swept off your feet and scooped into a jar. Two piercing blue eyes stared down at you from behind the Ninja Mask, and you could sense the triumph he felt from catching you. All you could do at this moment was stare back up at him.

"Great," you thought to yourself, "I've only been living here for two weeks and I've already been caught!" It hadn't been enough time to find out much about the humans you lived with (aside from what foods they liked and that they were in some kind of band) so you could only hope that they weren't the sort who would hurt you.

The Ninja did hold the jar considerably gently and walked in a way that wouldn't jostle you around too much, though this didn't really stop you from feeling completely terrified. He carried you out of the kitchen and into the living room where the other human was lounging on the sofa.

"Hey, Ninja Brian," He spoke, not looking away from the TV, "I was just watching Impractical Jokers, wanna join me?" He glanced over, and his eyes immediately landed on you.

Before he could ask the Ninja what was going on, the jar was placed on the coffee table in front of him and the two of you were left alone.

"Ninja Brian- What the hell?" He sounded completely baffled as he looked down at you, "Um... Hello?"

Your stance was tense as you stood with your back against the cold glass, trembling all over. Having no clue what to do or say, you just focused on blinking back the tears of anxiety that threatened to pour out. The bag you'd shoveled crumbs into was laying on the bottom of the jar.

"Ohh, are you the one who took a couple of my cookies?" He gasped, "I thought that was Ninja Brian- I guess that's why he caught you in this jar!"
"Y-yes!" You choked out through tears, "I-I'm s-s-sorry! I just- I needed food and-and-"

"Whoa, don't cry," He cut you off with a soft voice, "It's okay! If anything, I'm surprised that someone as tiny as you could even eat ONE cookie!" He chuckled, but you were more focused on trying to stop your crying.

Suddenly, he reached towards the jar and you whimpered.

"Don't worry, I'm just gonna let you out of there," He smiled, "I'm guessing that the jar really isn't helping you to relax, is it?"

You meekly shook your head, noticing how gentle he was being as he moved the jar so that it was laying on its side and you could easily grab your bag and crawl out. He then placed it to one side. It did make you feel a bit better that he'd let you out of there, though you were still terrified.

"Wow," He whispered as he couldn't take his eyes off of you, "You're so adorable..."

An embarrassed squeak escaped your lips as you felt your cheeks flare up at his compliment. None of the humans you'd encountered in the past had ever spoken this kindly to you and you didn't quite know how to react!

"Th-thanks!" You mustered up a reply with a smile, still blushing immensely.

"So," He began, resting his hand on his cheek, "Do you have a name? I'm Danny."

You nodded and bit your lip, "I'm (Y/N). Um... Are you- W-what exactly are you going to do with me?" You asked shakily, averting your gaze.

"Hmm, I don't know," He shrugged, "I was thinking that we'd just talk for a bit, grab some snacks and watch TV. Why, did you wanna do something else?"

"No, no," You replied, taken aback by his answer, "I just, well, all the other humans who've caught me in the past haven't been as nice as you... Hell even when Ninja Brian put me in that jar he was way more gentle than I'd expect a human to be! And so were you when you let me out of there. Thanks, by the way."

Danny frowned for a second, mulling over what you'd said about the past. But then, he shifted his focus back to the present and smiled at you with a twinkle in his deep brown eyes, "So, does that mean you wanna stay with me for a while and watch TV?"

"Yes, please, I think I'd like that," You returned a smile.

"Wait right there, I'll go get us some snacks!" He grinned, jumping out of his seat and heading to the kitchen.

While he was in the kitchen you had a moment to yourself to think about everything that had just happened within the span of less than fifteen minutes. The way he was talking to you with such kindness was already making you start to like him a bit, but at the back of your mind you were apprehensive about trusting him too quickly. But he did have such sincerity in his voice and such a kind sparkle in his eyes that it was difficult not to find yourself growing fond of him.

It only occurred to you when Danny returned that you were thinking about this so much that you didn't even think of attempting to run back to your hideout when he wasn't watching you! It showed that he trusted you though, which gave you even more hope that he was actually this kind and not just pretending to be in order to gain your trust and then hurt you later on.

"I just grabbed a few random things, I hope that's okay!" He grinned as he placed a considerably large selection of snacks on the table beside you. Even to him it was a lot, so to you it was like a mountain of food, "There should be enough there for both of us!"

You grinned back, "Yeah! Thank you, Danny."

"It's no problem. I have two questions for you; How long have you been living here for, and have you ever watched TV?"

"Two weeks, and no. But I've overheard humans watching it before and laughing."

"Oh, you'll love it!" As he spoke he was already reaching for some of the snacks, "Hey, do you wanna sit on the sofa instead?"

With a nod you looked up at him again, smiling.

He smiled back, fluffing up one of the cushions and placing it next to himself. Then he reached towards the table and you impulsively flinched, but all he did was place his hand beside you. You quickly realised that he expected you to climb on and you were still kind of hesitant, but the fact that he'd done this gesture instead of just grabbing you reassured you. With a nervous smile you clambered into his palm.

"You are just too adorable, (Y/N)," He said as he held you. His hand was so soft that you already felt at ease and his words made you blush again.

When he gently placed you on the cushion next to him and grabbed a few of the snacks to place beside you, you felt a lot more content as you realised that maybe you could get used to this.

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