Hug A Giant Day (Egobang)

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Synopsis: I heard it was 'Hug A Giant Day' today so I really quickly wrote this! Decided to make it Egobang too cus I read a really cute fic earlier and I love how much they hug eachother ♡

"Arin? What are you doing?" Danny raised an eyebrow as he asked the borrower.

Arin didn't answer at first, as he was busy trying to climb up Danny's long leg. He managed to get a good grip on the ripped jeans that the human wore, but it still wasn't as easy as he'd initially thought. Currently, he was only a few inches above his shoe.

"Do you need some help?" Danny chuckled. Arin normally liked being held and picked up by him, so it was strange watching him choose to struggle instead.

"No! I know what I'm doing!" Arin shouted back, huffing as he grabbed another hole in the jeans and pulled himself up a tiny bit higher. He didn't really know what he was doing but there was no way he was going to quit now. Although Danny towered over him most of the time, he'd somehow underestimated how long his legs actually were!

After what felt like way longer than just a few minutes, Arin finally reached Danny's knee and took a quick moment to catch his breath. His hands hurt a bit from gripping the rough denim so tightly, but he had a plan and he was determined to execute it. He stood up and rubbed his hands together before carrying on.

Danny rested his hand on his cheek and couldn't stop himself from smiling as he watched the borrower walk speedily across his leg. He was extremely tempted to reach out and scoop him up, but he resisted that temptation. When Arin approached his torso and began clambering up his shirt, Danny leant back into the sofa to make it slightly easier for him.

Arin loved how soft Danny's t-shirts were. The one he had on today (that had a cute image of a Unicorn on it) made Arin feel like he was climbing a mountain made out of blankets, and the subtle lavender scent was heavenly. It was looser on Danny than the jeans had been, which made getting a grip much easier.

He quickly reached the shoulder and (after taking another moment to catch his breath) he shuffled across to awkwardly hug the side of Danny's neck.

"Happy Hug a Giant Day!" He said lovingly as he nuzzled into him, which made Danny let out a soft laugh. Arin smiled even more as he felt the vibrations of Danny's warm chuckle.

"Hug a Giant Day?" He questioned before reaching up and stroking Arin's back with the tip of his index finger. He always loved Arin's sweet ways of showing him affection and feeling his tiny arms giving him the biggest hug they could.

Arin nodded, not quite wanting to end the embrace yet. He'd tried nudging it out of the way earlier but Danny's curly hair was almost enveloping him now, which tickled slightly. He reached up and could just about touch Danny's stubble, and although it was rough he always loved to softly stroke it when he had the chance.

After a moment he leant back and Danny wrapped his fingers around him before carefully lowering him away from his shoulder. Although the first few times he'd held the borrower he'd been terrified about accidentally hurting or dropping him, nowadays he would hold him whenever he had the chance to. Feeling the light weight of Arin fitting perfectly into the palm of his hand and seeing just how much he trusted him made his heart skip a beat every time. Ever since they first met he'd always had the strong urge to protect Arin, and since they'd started dating that urge had only gotten stronger.

"What was with the climbing?" Danny stifled another laugh, "You know I would've picked you up."

"I just wanted to see if I could do it," Arin smiled proudly, "But I'll admit, I DID underestimate how long your damn legs are!"

"Arin..." He said like a disappointed mother, before the two burst into laughter together, "I didn't even know there was a 'Hug A Giant Day,' but I'm not technically a giant-"

"You are to ME, you big doofus!" Arin interrupted him, which made them both laugh even more.

"Alright, alright, that's a fair point."

"And you know, we could also make it kiss a giant day~" Arin gave Danny a flirtatious smirk, putting extra emphasis on how he said 'kiss.'

Danny jokingly rolled his eyes before lifting Arin towards his face and pursing his lips. Kissing the borrower had also been something that made him nervous at first, but now it was another thing that he adored.

Arin used to be nervous about it a long time ago too, but now he loved the feeling of Danny's soft lips and how gentle his kisses were. He softly stroked his bottom lip as they kissed, and although it was only a brief kiss he still couldn't quite stop his blushing as Danny lowered him back down.

"Happy hug a Giant day," Danny smiled as he held Arin close to his chest for another hug. Arin snuggled close to him and felt completely at peace as he felt the relaxing rhythm of Danny's heartbeat.

A/N: This was supposed to be a quick one-shot with just a hug because it's HAGD but I got carried away and added a kiss >w<

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