In The Forest

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Synopsis: Arin is a borrower who lives in the woods. Danny meets him and they start talking. The pic above is what inspired me to write this one-shot! ^^

Dan wandered through the forest, feeling content as he admired the beautiful nature around him. He often liked to take long walks there to clear his head and take a break from things. Because it had been raining pretty heavily all week he hadn't been able to go for a walk, so today he'd decided to go out for longer than usual.

There was still morning dew on the grass and leaves and it twinkled in the sunlight. It was fairly early in the morning and the forest was bathed in the sun's soft glow, which gave everything an almost dream-like appearance. Dan loved walking when it was like this.

After about half an hour of walking deeper and deeper into the forest, Dan decided to sit on a log for a moment and relax. The birds were wide awake and singing high up in the treetops, the breeze was cool and everything just felt perfect. He was unaware that not to far from where he sat, someone else was also admiring the view.

Arin, a borrower who'd spent most of his life in the woods, was sitting on a tree branch shyly peeking at Dan from behind a leaf. He'd initially been sitting there just to admire the forest like Dan was, but now that the human was there he couldn't quite take his eyes off of him. Although he wasn't quite brave enough to reveal his presence to the human, he always found himself gazing at him from a safe distance and loved it when he got to see him.

Dan pulled out his phone to take a photograph. He didn't always take them, but this was a part of the forest that he hadn't explored yet and it was just to pretty for him not to take a picture of.

When Arin saw Dan holding up the phone and looking straight in his direction, he immediately began to panic inside. Was he taking the photo because he'd seen him? Arin tried to hastily duck behind a clump of leaves, but in his hurry he slipped and fell off of the branch! His fear changed from being seen to getting hurt by the fall, but luckily he managed to land on a thick, sturdy branch only a few inches below the one he'd fallen from.

Unluckily, Dan had captured the exact moment that Arin had fallen in a photo and was currently zooming in wondering what the small blur he'd seen was.

"What the hell?" Dan mumbled to himself as he stared at the image. His eyes flickered between his screen and the tree, and after a second he put away his phone and walked over to have a closer look.

The fall must've knocked Arin out for a second, as the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes and sat up was Dan staring down at him with wide eyes.

"Woah..." He gasped, leaning down to get a closer look at the borrower. Arin froze as his vision was almost entirely filled with Dan's face. He felt pinned to the spot by his deep-brown eyes and all he could do was stare back up into them. There was a twinkle in Dan's eyes as he gazed in awe at Arin; of all the things he thought he'd see in the forest today, an adorable tiny person definitely wasn't one of them!

After a moment of silence between the two Dan spoke again, "I saw you fall, are you okay?" His voice was soft and his tone immediately made Arin feel calmer.

Arin gulped nervously before speaking, "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks," He replied. It was sort of ironic; he'd daydreamed about talking to this human so many times but now that he finally had the chance to, he could barely muster up any words.

Dan also found himself speechless, but it was because he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Of course he'd heard stories and things about tiny people, but he never expected to see one in person! After a moment he cleared his throat and asked, "So, do you live out here?"

Arin nodded, "Y-yeah, I've lived in this forest my whole life..."

"Wow, really? That's awesome!" Dan replied with a big smile, instantly thinking of dozens of other questions that he wanted to ask.

"Thanks!" Arin replied, subconsciously brushing his hair in front of his face to try and hide the fact that he was blushing slightly at Dan's compliment.

"What's it like, living out here? Is it difficult?"

Arin shook his head, "Not really, some days are harder than others but for the most part it's really nice. Some of the animals are assholes, though," He chuckled.

Dan laughed at Arin's remark, and the borrower felt his heart soar at the sound. The human's voice alone had been enough to make him happier than he'd been in a long time, so making him laugh (even if it was only for a brief moment) felt amazing.

"You know, I'm surprised that I've never seen you before. I walk through this forest so often, I feel like a tiny person is something I should've noticed sooner!" Dan remarked, casually resting his hand on a branch that was above his head, "What's your name? I'm Dan." He asked, trying to keep the conversation going. There were so many questions that he wanted to ask, but the last thing he wanted was to overwhelm the borrower too much and scare him.

"It's Arin," He said with a soft smile, before biting the bullet and confessing, "And every time I've seen you here I've wanted to talk to you, but I always got too nervous..."

Dan paused for a second, slightly taken aback by Arin's confession. He then smiled softly as he replied, "That's actually really sweet, I'm glad we're talking now."

Arin went to reply, but instead let out a startled yelp as a drop of water landed on his head. Both of them looked up at the sky and realised that it had quickly gone from being a light shade of blue to a gloomy, cloudy grey.

"Dammit, I thought it wasn't gonna rain today!" Dan exclaimed. He then noticed the fearful look on Arin's face and realised that this was probably terrible weather for him to get caught in due to his tiny size.

"Shit..." Arin mumbled, worrying about how the hell he was going to get home. He wasn't exactly miles away from his home, but there was enough distance that he knew it wouldn't be easy to traverse through this weather without getting absolutely drenched.

Dan's first instinct was to reach towards Arin, as he wanted to hold him and shelter him from the rain. Arin instinctively flinched as the giant hand approached him so Dan paused and asked if he could pick him up.

Arin tensed up for a moment. He'd never been held by a human before, but he was already beginning to trust Dan. He tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating and nodded. He expected Dan to scoop him up, but instead the human placed his palm beside him and gave him a reassuring smile. Seeing the borrower clamber into the palm of his hand immediately filled Dan with the urge to protect him at all costs.

When Arin was sitting comfortably, Dan cupped his other hand over his head. He didn't want him to feel suffocated or leave him in the dark, but he wanted to protect him from the rain that was slowly getting heavier. Dan internally cursed at himself for not bringing his jacket.

Neither of them wanted to stop talking so soon, but they couldn't exactly stand outside while it was like this either. Both of them were thinking about how nice it might be to go back to Dan's house and spend even more time together.

"Do you want me to take you to your home?" Dan asked, but he secretly hoped that the borrower would want to stay with him for a while longer.

Arin felt his cheeks flare up as he asked, "Do you think- maybe- we could go back to your place? We don't have to if you don't want to, sorry, I just-"

"Of course," Dan cut him off, "I'd love that." He smiled warmly.

As Dan walked, Arin felt really comforted by how gently he was holding him and how careful he was being. Deep down he'd always wondered how it would feel to be so close to a human, and now that it was finally happening he felt really safe and happy.

They continued to talk, and both knew that this was the start of something perfect.

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