Waking Up With Him (Danny Avidan x Reader)

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Synopsis: This is based on a prompt+pic of Danny that I saw on Tumblr, it's literally just a really fluffy one-shot about you and Danny waking up together one morning. I tried to write a more detailed thing revolving around handheld fluff cus it's my favourite kind of fluff and I wanna get better at writing it (and at writing G/T in general) ^^

Danny gazed across at you laying on the pillow beside him and smiled. He'd only just woken up whereas you were still fast asleep. Some nights you would fall asleep on his chest to the sound of his steady heartbeat, though other times you curled up on the pillow beside his soft hair. After a couple of minutes, you stirred a tiny bit in your sleep before your eyes slowly flickered open. The first thing you saw was Danny looking at you, and you instantly smiled softly at him.

He couldn't resist reaching across and gently stroking you with his index finger. You felt like you could easily fall back asleep because it was so relaxing to feel him delicately running his finger down your back. Just waking up beside Danny in the morning always made you happy, and him being so affectionate made you even happier.

As you sleepily closed your eyes, you heard Danny giggle and felt the motion of him sitting up in bed. You opened your eyes and looked up to see him looming over you with a grin and a twinkle in his deep brown eyes. Your vision was almost entirely filled with his gorgeous face (not that that was an issue) and before you could ask what he was up to, he suddenly scooped you into the palm of his hand and smirked.

"Oh no, you're not going back to sleep now, (Y/N)!" He giggled mischievously. As he spoke he pet the top of your head with his thumb, which made your hair even scruffier than it already was. You reached up to brush your hair out of your face and let out a startled squeak as Danny used the index finger of his free hand to softly tickle your stomach for a split-second.

"Danny!" You yelled at him as you laughed and tried to push his finger away. He couldn't stop himself from letting out a quiet, "Aww," as your tiny hand could just about grip the tip of his finger. He'd always found your tiny size absolutely adorable, and moments like this made him adore you even more. The fact that you were now also blushing only served to make him find you even cuter. He hummed lightly as he continued to hold you and pet you. You gazed up at him and sighed calmly. Being held by him was one of your favourite things, and he loved to cradle your tiny form in the palm of his hand.

Despite what Danny had just said, you found yourself reclining back against his fingers and feeling your eyelids growing heavy. He stroked the top of your head again and yawned, which caused you to yawn as well.

Danny lowered you towards his chest as he lay back down, "Maybe we can just have five more minutes then..." He chuckled, placing you on his chest and keeping his hand on top of you. You both fell asleep again pretty quickly. The sound of Danny's heartbeat and the warmth of his chest always made you feel comfortable, and mornings like this with him were absolutely perfect.

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