Overexcited (Part 1)

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Synopsis: Danny catches a borrower and is so excited that he doesn't realise how scared the smol is (This was a request I got on Tumblr, feel free to send me more requests! ^^)

You positioned yourself comfortably on one of the higher shelves in the room where the humans you'd come to know as Danny and Arin played videogames. It was always fun watching and listening to them as they recorded their videos, and when you'd realised that you could sit on one of the bookshelves behind their sofa and have an even better view you were ecstatic. Admittedly, there was a higher risk of being seen if one of them just so happened to turn around, but there were figurines that you could duck behind if you really needed to.

After another day of watching as Arin raged at some random game and Danny laughed with him (while you had to stifle your laughter), both humans were ready to go out for lunch. It was as they were getting ready to head out that you noticed a treasure trove of snacks laying on the coffee table.

It had been a couple of days since you'd had the chance to gather enough food to really sustain yourself. The snacks just seemed too irresistible, and the risk of them coming back seemed relatively low as well.

You took a second to listen and make sure that they'd actually left, and when you were certain that the coast was clear you made your way down to the table. This didn't take you too long seeing as you were an experienced borrower who knew how to get to where you needed to be, but you had to take a second to catch your breath when you were finally on the table. You gazed at the various snacks before you, eyeing up which ones would be the easiest to take without anyone growing suspicious.

What you failed to notice was that Danny had left his phone laying on the table. You were so caught up in gathering food that you didn't hear the sound of somebody approaching the room and opening the door.

Suddenly the phone vibrated! Because you hadn't known it was even there you let out a scream and stumbled backwards, forgetting how close you'd been to the edge of the table. You tried to steady yourself but it was no use as you fell off of the table.

You tightly closed your eyes, trying to brace yourself for a painful landing on the solid floor... Instead, however, you landed on an unfamiliar but soft surface.

"Holy shit..." A sudden voice from above you made you open your eyes instantly and you had to choke back a scream when your vision was almost entirely filled by the face of one of the humans! The soft surface you'd landed on had been the palm of his hand, and all you could currently do was lay there in shock.

"Woah," He gasped as he stared down at you, "I knew I was right!" He grinned, "I TOLD Arin I'd seen a tiny person or something out the corner of my eye and now here you are- wow, you're just amazing!"

You sat up and shuffled backwards in his palm, just wanting to get away. In response he curled up his fingers behind you and chuckled, "Careful, we don't want you falling again."

He lifted you towards his face for a few seconds so that you were at level with his twinkling brown eyes before moving his hand back to its original position. His excitement only made you feel more terrified, but he was oblivious to this fact as he kept happily rambling, "I can't believe you're real, this is crazy! And holy fuck you're so adorable! I knew I'd caught a glance of you in this room before... Wait- do you like watching me and Arin play videogames?"

Although you were feeling really overwhelmed by Danny's excitable demeanor, you nodded and softly replied, "Y-yeah."

"Aww," He replied with a huge smile, "You're easily one of the cutest lovelies I've ever met. I bet Arin will love you too!"

You tensed up at the thought of being seen by another human and shook your head, "No- I can't be seen by anyone else!"

He gave you a confused frown, "How come?"

Before you could answer you were interrupted by Arin entering the room.

"Hey, dude, what's taking you so long? Are you alright?" Arin asked as he walked in. Then his eyes landed directly on you and his jaw dropped, "Danny- What the hell?"

Being seen by one human was bad enough for you, so the fact that two of them were now staring straight at you was far too overwhelming. Before you even knew how else to react, you'd fainted in the palm of Danny's hand.

A/N: I don't know when I'll continue this but I thought ending on a cliffhanger would be fun >:)

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