Wild Ride

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Inside a night club, along with your friend who invited you to go out with her and have fun. She invited other people but you weren't interested in interacting with any of them. You've been sad and heartbroken by your previous relationship of 4 years, hoping at that point in the relationship he would propose.

Well, it didn't turn out that way,

7 months earlier

You were driving back home after a last-minute over time that your boss told you to do. So you stayed at work late, the last one to activate the alarm and lock up. It was almost 3 in the morning, you were exhausted, ready to go home and lay in bed with your boyfriend wrapped up in his arms. Thinking of all the warm and satisfying feeling once you get home, you park your car in front, dragging your feet with enough effort to at least get inside. You grab your keys, unlocking the door, never expecting what you saw right in front of you. Your asshole of a boyfriend screwing your best friend on the kitchen table, seeing the trail of scattered clothes from the front door to the kitchen and the muffled moans and grunts is what led you to that heartbreaking sight.

You hold your tears, pissed off at both of them. You walk away from the scene heading towards the bedroom packing everything you own, your now ex-boyfriend is behind you, begging you to talk it out and trying to convince you to forgive him and stay: saying it was a mistake. You don't stick with fucking cheaters, as much as you loved him, that image will forever ruin it if you take him back. It won't be the same, the man you trusted, fell in love with for the past 4 years.

Your now ex-best friend was doing the same, trying to stop you from leaving but you told them off. That you won't stick around for this shit, assuming they've done it more than once. When you said that, their faces dropped knowing that this wasn't the first time hooking up behind your back. And to still tell you to talk it out and still lie to you, you felt sick and disgusted by all of it. You paced back to your car, driving away from that nightmare and never looking back. You couldn't believe, the two people you trusted and cared for, doing this behind your back multiple times. You didn't have a place to stay, you didn't have anyone to go back to. You didn't have any other friends other than the only friend who you considered as your sister but she fucked you over as well.

You drove up to a nearby bar and drank yourself to death. When the bartender realize you're over the limit she took the bottle from you and gave you water and a small bite to eat. The bartender ended letting you stay over at her place until you have enough saved up and afford an apartment. She eventually became your friend and got close to each other, she offered you a job at the bar as a second job since your other job didn't pay you enough to get an apartment.


Even after 5 months you're still upset and haven't had any fun without getting alcohol involved. You kept it low, drinking anything at that point but you didn't want to overdo it and get shit faced. You without letting your friend know you were walking back to her house, a beautiful Harley caught your eye. You may be a bit drunk but still knew what you were doing and not stumbling around walking towards the bike.

You walk right next to it and admire the craftsmanship of the bike, the red wine paint coating on the tank and fenders is covered smoothly. Feeling the leather seat with metal studs around the edge of it, you love bikes, you've always wanted one or at least ride it. To get to feel the engine roar, revving up the handle must feel amazing. The engine looking brand new, without thinking, you straddle onto the bike with your hands gripping on the handlebars, you smile with your eyes closed. Imagining yourself riding a beauty like the one you're on, but then you feel yourself crying. Emotions were coming through, the alcohol in your system took over you. Until you felt a warm hand touch you against your back, you jumped panicked trying to get out of the bike, apologizing for touching the bike.

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