Fits Just Right

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Gotta give a quick shoutout to @sixxtersmom on IG for this idea. It's been since the day of this post-Nikki put up that she gave me this idea and now I'm posting it. Girl, I love you so much and thank you for this idea. Hopefully, this chapter is a good read for you and the rest of ya'll. If you guys did enjoy, please like the chapter and comment and if anyone has an idea, feel free to DM me and I'll try my best to write your idea the best I can. Again thank you to Brandy and thank you all for the support. Enjoy!!!

A/N: Just to let ya'll know this chapter isn't true, this is fiction, a fantasy for horny Nikki fans. If this gives you any discomfort, feel free to skip this and I'll post a different scenario in the next chapter. Oh and this a covid free imagine lol, so touching and close contact is involved 🤣

Nikki's POV

Flew back to California a few days ago to deal with business and packing a few more things to bring back to our new home in Wyoming. My wife and I went out to do some light shopping since we were in the area. As my wife went on to the women's section, I headed over to the men's section and looked for anything that catches my eye or that I like in general. As I've picked a few things I needed and continue looking around, a young beautiful woman passes my direction and I catch a whiff of her scent that sends chills down my spine. Wow, I thought. I turn around to find her and she wasn't around. What, she just disappeared out of thin air.. she better not have been a figment of my imagination. I shake my head to clear up my mind and focus on what I was doing in the first place.

Several minutes have gone by, I picked a few pants to try out, and low and behold, the same girl comes into view walking towards me. So she wasn't just a figment of my imagination, she's real and very attractive. I ignore my thoughts of how beautiful this young woman is as she stops right in front of me, I'm predicting she works here since my eye focuses on her name tag that's near her breast, which doesn't look good on my part.

Y/N: "Hello sir, everything good here, need anything I can help you with?"Giving him a welcoming approach and smile.

Nikki: Uhh, you can help me with my half boner in the fitting room. God, she's hot...

Y/N: "Um sir, did you hear me?" She looks up at him, waiting for a response.

Nikki: I get pulled out of my thoughts and clear my throat "Uh yes, I-I'm sorry about that." Slightly blushing from embarrassment. Damn, I still get flustered by a girl... still got the young, sleazy Nikki in me.

Y/N: She giggles softly and shakes her head "It's completely fine sir, I'm assuming you want to try on these clothes, correct?" She points at the small pile he's carrying over his forearm.

Nikki: "Yes I do." I nod in response.

Y/N: "Okay, follow me please." She smiles at him before turning her back on him and leading him to the fitting rooms.

Jesus, what the hell is wrong with me? I can't be having these sexual thoughts anymore, I'm a married man and I have a one-year-old daughter. I can't be acting this way, this isn't me anymore. Okay, Nikki, stay calm everything will go smoothly. Plus she doesn't look interested in an old man like me.

They arrived at the fitting rooms and she knocked a few doors, predicting that there are still people inside. She knocks on the last door at the end of the hall and hears no one answering, so she unlocks the door; checking if there isn't any leftover clothing or hangers, she walks back out holding the door for me.

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