Page 4 (Rant Warning)

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Don't you just love it when you are on your way to school and you run into signal issues on the subway?

I fucking hate that shit, but it beats a two hour bus ride with crazy children saying nasty stuff and a shouting bus matron.

The reason I am bringing this up is because on my way to school this morning, there was a 3 train at the platform and I noticed the signals were double green (which means procede onto scheduled route) and I thought nothing was wrong until I saw workers on the tracks... Apparently there was a signal malfunction because there was another signal displaying double red and switching back to double green. The passengers, including me were pissed, there was this one guy cursing angrily at the track workers and everyone else, even the driver, was getting impatient the train was 45 minutes late apperantly and everyone was getting mad so I decided to leave and walk to Franklin Avenue which was the next station ahead. When I got there, the same 3 train arrived and then another one on the express track. Both trains were skipping three stations along the normal route so it didn't really matter to me. Despite this though, I arrived at school on time, thank lord I did, because my teacher hates tardy students.

Yesterday, I was stuck on the 3 because of a NYPD investigation in Manhattan. The part that made it worse was I was in BROOKLYN, NOT FUCKING MANHATTAN. Train ended up sitting in Atlantic Avenue - Barclays Centre for 20 minutes, on top of that I was in a bad mood and the train was crowded, it wasn't until 3:12 when the train began to resume it's normal schedule and boy was that annoying.

I just hope my commute home today is better

(Disclaimer: The 3 is my favourite subway line, I do not have anything against the drivers who drive on the 3 train)

But I always have to remember... The subway is 115 years old after all and not all the signals are brand new.


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