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In the middle of Social Studies, my teacher Andy, he's usually a normal lad. But while we were watching Christmas Chronicles and he just suddenly started spazzing out, turned out he had low blood sugar and that caused him to flail uncomfortably.

Later, the incident which made everyones mood pretty bad, the emo girl Su, was getting my friend Feng upset so he threatened to smack the bitch with a chair, later she snapped and pushed a desk and chair at him and ran out the room, I think Feng was gonna kill her because he picked up a metal doorstopper and tried to run after her, but the teacher stopped him.

I'm scared honestly and I really just wanna go home, Now I wish I hadn't come to school today. Now I'm not gonna talk to Su for a while because of what she did, my friend is pissed off and is threatening to kill her... Like literally kill her.

By God, some of these people need help.

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