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I know I am way too late now, but I have started watching Pokémon Sun and Moon as well as Pokémon Black and White which I am revisiting. Yep, I know.

Also, apparently I read a page on ProbablyNickchu 's journal and it turns out he played a Kahoot game (I play this at school too) and named himself Moonlake. For those of you who have zero idea who I am talking about, Moonlake is a character in my Agent London Flareon series, he is an Eevee with brown eyes and a mysterious necklace that grants him powers like super speed, the ability to create weapons with energy, master an element depending on his emotion and a bunch of other stuff, he is bisexual and is in love with the protagonist London Winters as well as his best friend Omar Montas.

I'm still very confused as to why he did this but I am totally okay with it (I really am).

I also recently saw my friend, Schuyler, who I have not seen in 2 years, I'm working on reconnecting with him because the only actual way we could speak to each other was through Roblox. The combination of the stupid filter and us not seeing each other in forever kind of made thing hard, but now I can text him so it's all good.

Well, I got nothing else to tell you guys about, so see you next time.

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