Updated Autopsy Report: Part 3

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The next afternoon, (Y/N) got the body around 2:00 p.m. The victim had been identified as 22 year old Val Harper. About an hour into her investigation, her door opened, she looked up to see Miles barging in. She rolled her eyes

“Mr. Edgeworth, I have literally just started my investigation.”

“Well, I’d like information…”

“Ahuh, I can’t just pull that out of my ass…”

He gave her a weird look.

“Did you used to do this when the last coroner was here?”

He tried not to blush. Again, he did every now and then, but definitely not as much, and only if he had been waiting more than a few days. Truth was, he felt the need to be around this girl, and he didn’t know why. He had never felt love, never been in a relationship, never been interested in girls or guys for that matter. He just stuck to school and work. He was finding his infatuation with her to be very distracting and frustrating, but he didn’t know how to stop it, or really understand what it was. He gathered that it was some sort of sexual attraction based on movies he had seen, but wasn’t really sure what do to about it.

“I did…” he lied “This is my job, Ms. (L/N), I need to know everything I can.”

“Okay, well when I know, you’ll know.”

“Surly you must have some information.”

She wanted to punch him in the face but kept her cool. He was coming off as a huge jerk, and like he felt that she was incompetent.

“Fine, but it’s not much.” She took her gloves off and went over to her notes. “Without any extensive investigation, she was dead 6-8 hours, and she was strangled to death with what would appear to be a rope, you can see the pattern in her skin, it was probably rope from the ride itself, although I’m sure you’ve looked over what Detective Gumshoe had presented so far, the victim definitely wasn’t killed in the spot she was found. The rope cut into her neck though, so if you can find the rope, you’ll probably have more information.”

Edgeworth stood there, arms crossed and tapping his finger, (Y/N) had noticed he did that a lot when he was thinking.

“…how do we know the victim wasn’t hung?”

“We don’t, Mr. Edgeworth. Not yet, as I’ve stated, I just started my investigation like an hour ago. Every little thing I find I have to record and take a picture of. This can take up to four hours and you being here and demanding answers I don’t have is just prolonging the process!”

He looked at her, taken aback a little. He then narrowed his eyes, but still showed no signs of leaving.

“Well then, I shall make myself comfortable and silent.”

“No, Edgeworth, you aren’t sitting here while I do this, that’s so stressful and awkward.”

“Does being alone with a room full of corpses not frighten you? Make you uneasy?”

“No? Why would it.”

“What, was your father a mortician?”

“I… no, I didn’t grow up with my father. He and my mother died when I was a baby, car accident. I was brought up by my aunt and uncle, my father’s brother. He, however, was a funeral director. It’s always just been normal to me.”

Miles frowned. “Oh I… I’m sorry, Ms. (L/N), that was insensitive of me. My condolences.”

“Ah yeah… thanks…”

Updated Autopsy Report: Edgeworth x Reader Where stories live. Discover now