Updated Autopsy Report: Part 8

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The next morning Y/N woke up around 9 a.m. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, memories of the night before flooding back to her. She found herself smiling, a bit surprised that she didn't regret what happened. She looked next to her, expecting to find Miles asleep, wanting to talk to him about her feelings and what happened, but her smile quickly turned to a frown. The bed was empty, she looked around the room to find that his clothes were gone, and the PJ's Nick had lent him were neatly folded on a chair.

"Must be in the kitchen talking to Phoenix or something." she said to herself.

She went to the washroom, freshened up and got dressed, then wandered out to the kitchen to find Maya and Phoenix drinking tea and eating Eggos.

"Morning, Y/N." said Maya sweetly "Did you have a good sleep?"

"I...yeah I did, thank you. Have either of you seen Edgeworth?"

"Oh yeah," said Phoenix, "He left about 30 minutes ago, something to do with a wanting to get to the office. Only person I know who enjoys working on the weekend, haha... So um... I hate to ask but how was he last night? I mean, did he sober up?"

Y/N frowned, realizing that Edgeworth hadn't mentioned what happened between them and also realizing that she didn't want to mention it either. Her anxiety was through the roof, why would he just leave without talking to her? It wasn't like it was just casual sex, it was his first time, it was kind of a big deal, or it was to her anyway. She never had a one night stand before, and that's not what she thought this was. While he was drunk, he semi confessed to liking her.

"I...yeah he did. He sobered up a bit..."

"Everything okay?" asked Maya, concerned, "You seem off?"

"Did Edgeworth say something stupid?"

Y/N shook her head, not wanting to get into it.

"No, sorry. Just hung over. I'm gonna take off though, take a shower and nap in my own bed a bit."

"You sure you don't want to stay for Eggos?" asked Maya "There's plenty, or at least right now there is before Larry wakes up haha!"

Y/N gave a small smile, "No, thanks though. I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Alright," said Nick "Drive safe."


"...You have reached the voicemail of Miles Edgeworth, prosecuting attorney. My apologies for not being able to take you call, please leave a m-" *Click*

Y/N had been trying to reach Miles for the last few days but to no avail. He was avoiding her and she was beyond upset. Did she do something wrong? She was so nervous she didn't want to physically go over to his office, and she didn't want to bring Phoenix into this since it was a private matter. It was to the point now though that she didn't have much of a choice, if she wanted answers and also to stop the anxiety, she would need to face Miles, she would need to go over to his office.

"What do you think I should do?" she asked the body she was sewing back up....obviously she got no response. She sighed "I need to stop talking to corpses, I probably sound insane..." she finished what she was doing and pulled the sheet back over her "friend". She then washed up and made the call to release the body to the family. She paced around a bit.

"Ughhh..." she groaned "Fucking Edgeworth... Fine, I'll put my big girl pants on and go over there. He better have one hell of an explanation for ghosting me after that night..."


Y/N made the short journey to Edgeworths office. She got off on his floor and walked over to his door. She listened a moment, hearing the rustling of papers behind it. He was in there. She took a deep breath and then knocked. There was a slight pause.

Updated Autopsy Report: Edgeworth x Reader Where stories live. Discover now