Updated Autopsy Report: Part 6

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Today Edgeworth was in court, not against Wright, but Nick was in the stands watching his friend crush it as always. He liked to take notes from his more experienced, more famous friend. Edgeworth was basically a celebrity in the legal world. He had a lot of high profile cases and had made a huge name for himself. He always had people throwing themselves at him but he never paid them any mind.

“Do you think Edgy will win this one?” asked Larry “It seems like that other lawyer guy has him backed into a corner.”

“Oh yeah, he always bounces back, it’s Edgeworth… if the guy is guilty, he’ll nail him.”

“Objection!!!” shouted Edgeworth, a smug smirk on his face as he waved his index finger, “Has the defense bothered to read the updated autopsy report?”

“U-updated?” asked the defense lawyer.

“Why yes, the Coroner updated it just this morning, it is made available to all parties, did you not look at it before the trial? ”


“I will take that as a no…”

Miles clicked a button and the report showed up on a screen, the judge and the defense reading it over, the defense wiping sweat from his brow.

“As you can see, the victim was in fact poisoned, the gun shot was merely an insurance policy to make sure they didn’t come out alive. But, in fact, the shot was fired post mortem! Thus proving that this was indeed murder, and NOT suicide as you previously suggested!”

Everyone in the court started whispering.

“Order! Order everyone! Order in the court!” yelled the judge, banging his gavel.

“I-I don’t believe this!” said the defense, you could have easily forged this!”

“Now why would I do something like that?”

“T-to get a guilty verdict!”

“That is not a game I am ever willing to play, defense.” Said Edgeworth “I am about justice and finding the truth, I am offended that you would even suggest such a thing!”

“Prove it then!”

“As you wish. I would like to call Coroner (L/N) to the stand to explain her findings!”

Larry, Nick and Maya looked at (Y/N) who was sitting with them.

“Ugh…” she got up and made her way to the stand.

“Would you please state your name and occupation?”

“You literally just introduced me…”

Miles gritted his teeth and slammed his hand down on his stand. “Name and occupation!”

(Y/N) 's eyes went wide, Miles didn’t fuck around when it came to court.

“S-sorry, my name is Y/N L/N, and I am the coroner who conducted the post mortem analysis.”

“Very well, and would you please explain how you know that the victim was poisoned and that the gunshot wasn’t what killed them?”

(Y/N) explained her findings, the science behind it.

“There you have it.” Said Miles with a smirk.

“Objection!!” shouted the defense.

“How do you know that it was my client who poisoned the victim? Perhaps they took the poison themselves and the gun somehow went off afterwards?”

Updated Autopsy Report: Edgeworth x Reader Where stories live. Discover now