Updated Autopsy Report: Part 5

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It was a bit later and Edgeworth avoided (Y/N) as much as possible, and for a while, it seemed to work, but then when he needed to interact with her, the feelings would come back doubled. Phoenix didn't help either, trying to get him to confess his feelings to her. Miles would just deny it though, saying that he didn't want anything to do with her, she just had a nice body, and he could resist. But it was so much more than that. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

Today he was in his office, putting away some case files from a recent victory when there was a knock at his door.

"You may enter." He called not moving from his bookshelf.

"Prosecutor Edgeworth..." he heard a female voice say. He froze, it was (Y/N) . He took a moment to compose himself, then He turned to face her.

"Ms. (L/N), what brings you to my office?" he asked, monotone.

"You said you were going to pop by and the some evidence from me last week and never did. I was tired of looking at it so I figured I'd drop it off on my way home." she replied, setting it down on his desk.

He stared at it a moment, "...For the Munroe case?"


"No need, I went another route and won't be needing it anymore. Do you not follow the trials you lend a hand in?"

She rolled her eyes. "Not really, I do my job and go home."

"Very well...I... guess I'll keep the files for my records since they are on my desk now."

There was an awkward silence as they looked at each other.

"Neat, really glad I came up here."

"Sarcasm isn't a very nice shade on you, (L/N)."

"Ugh... good night, Edgeworth." She then turned to leave.

"How are you to get home?" Edgeworth blurted out, mouth going faster than his brain.

"My feet?"

"No vehicle?"

"It was a nice day so I walked. It only takes about 30 minutes from the apartment to the my office."

"It's not safe at this time of night."

"It's not safe at 7pm?"

Edgeworth tried not to blush, knowing that what he just said made no sense. The avoiding her thing not going well at this moment. "It's dark. I'm almost completed what needs to be done here. I will drive you home."

"Oh no, you don't have to-"

"Nonsense. Give me two minutes and we shall be on our way. I wouldn't mind popping up to see Wright anyway."

"Alright then... I'll take a seat on your couch..."


The car ride was a bit awkward, neither of them knowing what to say to the other. Miles wanted to chat her up, but didn't know how to go about it. Usually he didn't care what people thought of him, she was now an exception. Finally they got to the apartment and Miles parked. Y/N let them in and then clicked the elevator button. Miles froze.

"I'll meet you upstairs." She raised an eyebrow.

"It's on the 12th floor..."

"I'm sure my old friend Wright has informed you about the DL 6 incident?"

Rory frowned. "Oh um.. Yes he did, I'm sorry."

"No need. But I will be taking the stairs."

"Here, I'll walk with you." His heart skipped a beat.

Updated Autopsy Report: Edgeworth x Reader Where stories live. Discover now