Updated Autopsy Report: Part 4

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"Miles..." moaned (Y/N) as he thrusted in and out of her. "Oh my G-d, yes..."

He could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead, he had never felt this before, he was about to burst. He looked down at the beauty beneath him, earning little noises from her which drove him nuts. His muscular arms were on either side of her.

"M-my Lord, (Y/N) you're perfect. I can't hold on much longer."

"Then don't." she moaned, "Finish inside me."

"Gahh... Ahhhhh!!!!"

Edgeworth's eyes flunge open and he gasped, sitting up. He looked around, it taking him a moment to remember that he had stayed over and was in (Y/N)'s bed, she had slept in Maya's room.

"What a dream..." he breathed to himself "The feelings they felt so real..."

He then paused and looked down, moving the comforter to the side, his eyes going wide as he noticed the big stain on the pjs he'd borrowed from Phoenix as well as on Y/Ns sheets. He went bright red.

"Oh my Lord, this isn't happening. Why? How the hell am I going to get out of this without her noticing??"

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Miles, you up?" he heared Phoenix say.

"I...y-yes I'm awake." He called back.

"Right on. (Y/N) went out with Maya, she just got back so its just us. Thought maybe we could go out somewhere and grab breakfast."

Miles frowned, he knew he had to confide in his friend, there was no lying about this. But maybe by telling Wright, he could at least spare himself the embarrassment with (Y/N)

"...Wright?... Something happened..."


After Phoenix had a good laugh and Edgeworth getting angry with him, he quickly threw the bedding, all of it, in the laundry along with his pj bottoms. They then remade (Y/N)'s bed in her nice, neat room, planning on telling her that, as a thank you for letting Edgeworth stay there, he washed everything and made the bed. He and Nick then went out for coffee.

"This is so embarrassing..."

"What, you never had a wet dream before?"

Miles blushed and shook his head "No, not since I was a child, 12 or 13."

"...do you remember the dream you had?"

"I'd... rather not discuss it..."

Phoenix grinned. "Did it happen to do with a certain Coroner?"

Miles went bright red. "T-that's absurd! She's foolish and incompetent!"

"No she's not, and even if she was, you can't deny that she's hot."

"S-stop it..."

"Come on Edgeworth, it's guy talk, I won't tell anyone."

"....Ugh....thanks to her I am saddled with unnecessary...feelings...ever sense she moved here and you had to go make friends with her!"

"You can't blame the fact that you want to plow her on me, Miles."

"What?! Who said I wanted to do such a thing??"

Nick laughed "Well, your dream last night for starters. Don't lie to me, it was obviously about her."

"Ugh...." Grunted Miles, staring into his teacup. "I...I've never met anyone like her. I don't understand these feelings or what they mean. I've been around hundreds of women and I've never given a second thought to them. Never desired to hold any of them... but her... I... I often wonder what it would be like to hold her in my arms, to comfort her... t-to......." He then paused and looked up at his old friend in confusion. "Phoenix... what's happening to me?"

Nick smiled "Well, I'm no detective, that's Gumshoes job, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say you like her."

"L-like her?"

"Mhmm, maybe even love."

"L-love??? N-no it can't be, I can't have this! She's causing me to make mistakes in my work, she's clouding my thoughts she... she..."

"It's okay to have other interests in life besides the courtroom, Edgeworth. Have you seriously never had a girlfriend?"

Miles shook his head. "I've never felt it necessary, nor did I have the time during my work or studies..."

"Don't tell me you're still a virgin?"

He went an even brighter shade of red. "My intimate life is none of your business, Wright..."

"Cool, I'll take that as a yes then."


"I'm surprised, you definitely have the looks."

"This is getting weird."

"Sorry. Why don't you start by asking her to coffee?"

"What? No, I don't want these feelings, I don't want to court her, I want you to help me make them go away!"

"That's.... Not really a thing, Miles... you can't really control who you like or don't like..."

"T-then what am I to do?"

"You could try talking to her?"

"Asking her to leave?"

"Uh no? Like asking her out on a date."

"Absolutely not! Either she has to go or I do! I can't have this, I won't!"

Nick sighed. "Miles... I know you've been hurt. Not only did you lose your mom at such a young age, but you witnessed your father be murdered... and after that you were brought up in an emotionally abusive and manipulative home. You don't trust easily, you don't like to let people in. I'm your best friend and sometimes I'm not sure who the real Miles Edgeworth is. You have to let go, give life a chance. Right now life is giving you a beautiful woman who understands your line of work, embrace it!"

Edgeworth thought a moment before shaking his head and sticking his nose in the air, crossing his arms. "I will do no such thing..." he grumbled.

"I have never met someone more stubborn in my life." Laughed Nick "But fine, if you want to try to ignore your feelings then I can't stop you."

"Good...now where's the bill? I have to get to work."

"It's Saturday?"



Updated Autopsy Report: Edgeworth x Reader Where stories live. Discover now