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The bitter air bites at the skin of the four shinobi waltzing up to the Yukage's office, although despite the frigid temperature, none of them are bothered by it. It is always snowing in Shimogakure, the residents of the village fully used to the frosty weather.

The streets are filled with bustling citizens going about their daily lives, not sparing a glance towards the team returning from their mission after a two week's journey.

"It feels nice to be back, wouldn't you guys say?" the exuberant blond states casually, his radiant smile present as his hands travel to the back of his head, stretching dramatically. A hum of agreement settles over the four of them as they walk into the Yukage's office, each of them standing proudly in front of their leader.

"Team 2, what a pleasant surprise. Mission report," the Yukage requests, his fingers drumming against his desk as he awaits the response. The team's sensei steps forward, her short brown hair elegantly framing her face and her jade eyes peering into the Yukage's.

"Mission success, Lord Gorou. Team 2 was able to effectively resolve the issue in Kusagakure, details to be explained in written report," the young woman states.

"As expected. Team 2 will have a three day break before I shall assign the next mission. Atsuko Yuki, Masaru Takenaka, and Kenji Oshiro are dismissed," the Yukage states, wise eyes glistening as the three teens bow before exiting his office, leaving him and their sensei.

"I will be giving you the details of your next mission early so that you have time to come up with a strategy, Naomi. I expect the written mission report delivered to me before you and your team depart."

"Yes, Lord Gorou," Naomi states, nodding firmly to her leader. The Yukage hums to himself whilst shuffling through his scrolls, pulling out a particular one after a few moments.

"This is an A-Rank mission, you will be the leader. Team 2's assignment is to intercept a team of Konohagakure ninja and retrieve a member of the group without killing him," he explains carefully, folding his hands in front of him as he gauges his jonin's reaction. Naomi merely nods to him without hesitation, determined to complete the mission.

"In this scroll is the details of the target. You leave no later than midnight in three days. Any questions?"

Silence rings true in the office, Naomi retrieving the scroll and skimming through it before pocketing it.

"Wonderful, you are dismissed, Naomi," Gorou declares, eyes narrowing as soon as Naomi exits the office. A sick smirk crawls across his face as he turns his chair, gazing out at his wintry village with pride.

"Very soon... we will be stronger than the other Hidden Villages."


"How about a team celebratory dinner, eh? I'll pick up the check," Kenji offers cheekily, his blond hair falling lazily in his face. Masaru says nothing, merely switching his dark eyes to gaze at their last member, who seemed conflicted about the offer.

Atsuko was tempted to accept. It's been a while since she was able to relax, the silver haired beauty exhausted after her lengthy mission. On the other hand, she has been gone for around two weeks, and she needed to check on her younger brothers to make sure they were alright, since her workaholic father probably hadn't been home since she left.

"Sorry, Kenji, but I'm going to have to pass. Noboru and Arata are probably at home and I don't want to keep them waiting. Maybe tomorrow though," she responds, scratching the back of her head apologetically.

"No worries, we'll just go out tomorrow. I need some rest anyways. Say hi to Noboru and Arata for me!" Kenji chirps, a large grin spreading across his face as he waves goodbye to his best friend. As soon as Atsuko is out of sight, Kenji sighs, his brown eyes gazing into the distance wistfully.

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