Part 17

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"Hey, looks it pill boy!" Henry spats. I spot dead in my tracks. I turn around just to see Henry run towards me and grabs me.
"Let me go." I whisper.
"What did you say? You want your little fag boyfriend, don't you?" Henry says. My eyes fill with tears.
"I said let me go!" I scream.
"No, I don't want any fags in my town!" Henry yells. He throws me down on the ground and starts to punch me, kick me, do anything to make me feel like shit. All I wanted was to get some Advil for Richie. My arm is clearly broken. I manage to crawl to the clubhouse. Where I sit just and wait for someone to come.
"Mom, I'm going to find Eddie. It's been hours!" I tell my Mom. I grab my jacket, slip on my vans, and I go out into the Derry winter air. I look for Eddie everywhere. I look at my watch. 10:30 pm and no sign of Eddie. I start to tear up. It's all my fault, I'm the one who made him get it and now he's gone. Suddenly, I just go running into the woods, to the clubhouse. I see something light up. It's Eddie's phone. I'm close.
"Eddie!" I call out.
"Richie?" I hear a faint, shallow whisper. I open up the trap door, Eddie is laying on the floor. His arm broken.
"Eddie, I'm here." I say, picking him up.
"I got your Advil." Eddie smiles. I can see his tears.
"Eddie, what happened?" I ask.

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