Chapter 23

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"Should I grab a baseball bat?"

"Aemin, what the fuck."

"You're right, assault charges are too expensive."

"No, I was gonna say use a golf club, it's lighter and easier to swing."

I snapped and pointed at him.

"Jungkook, you're a genius. Let's elope and make genius babies."

"No, your dumbassery would balance it out so we'd just have average babies."

My jaw dropped, but I couldn't think of a witty comeback.

If this conversation was at the forefront of my mind I know it would be over for that hoe.

But of course, there was still blood roaring in my ears and my heart still palpated painfully.

I was still unsettled.

Simmering anger and hurt was barely concealed beneath my skin as Jungkook did his very best to distract me and I did my very best to ignore the boiling emotions plaguing my consciousness.

"At least they'd be hella good looking, though," I added, with a laugh.

"Mm, you would even that out too," Jungkook snarked, the corners of his lips quivering as he held back a smile.

"Hey dumbass bitch, don't think I forgot how you just called me pretty two minutes ago. I ain't never gon' forget. I'm gonna hold that over your head for the rest of your life," I sang at him teasingly, "Haha loser bitch thinks i'm pretty~" I stood up beside him did a tiny celebratory dance.

He grabbed me by the back of my head, shoving it forward slightly.

"You're so gross!" He gave an exaggerated gag to drive his point home.

"You're a whole bully!" I moped at him.

He pointed at me and laughed, continuing with another jab, "Aww, did I hurt your feelings?"

Jungkook's pretty lips pulled forward and his eyes widened exaggeratedly in a mocking pout.

Laughter bubbled up my throat and I could scarcely taste it on my tongue when my phone buzzed again. My giggle promptly shriveled up and died.

I stood up and took a few steps hesitant steps forward to check my texts, the pulse in my ears deafening.

Moisture gathered at the back of my neck, as I stood staring transfixed on my phone. I had never ignored both of them like this. I was always weak-hearted when it came to Soo Ji.

We had this rule, no matter how angry we were at each other or how busy the other was, we'd always find time to talk about it and fix the problem in at least a week's time.

Ignoring each other was never an option. This was the longest we've ever been without seeing each other's faces, much less speaking, during the whole duration of our friendship.

God, I missed her so bad. I knew I shouldn't, that she was a backstabbing bitch and I should hate her guts.

And I did, to an extent.

However, I knew it would be better just let go of her and any connection I had with her.

But letting her go was so much harder than hating her, because if you let go of someone you let go of their place in your heart and in your mind, whatever feelings they made you feel, the memories they gave you, inevitably leaving a gap where they resided. They would be gone from your life completely. If I just hated her I could still have her with me somehow.

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