Ch:1 Shakespeare and Syrup Brands

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"Thanks again for locking up Emma"

Mrs. Garret smiled gratefully at me. I grinned to myself when I saw the older woman skipping out the doors of the library. She waved back at me happily as she passed through the glass doors.

"No problem!" I called, hoping that she would hear my delayed reponse even though she had already dissapeared. As soon as I knew she was gone, the smile slipped quickly from my face due to pure frustration and exhaustion. I glared back down at my school work, the numbers taunting my vision.

Hi, my name is Emma Reese, I'm about five foot five inches tall, with kinda long nutella colored hair, and greysih blueish eyes. In other words I'm the perfect descibtion of my life. My parents are rich, I live in a large 'mansion' like house, my grades are perfect, all the guys want me, I'm the head cheerleader, along with being a part time volunteer at the animal shelter and orphanage. One day I'll grow up to be Miss. Universe and marry a super sucessfull hot billionare who seems to of come strait from every girls dream. If this isn't sounding off already then I'm not sure what your definitioin of fake is. Some of those things are true. I mean, my parents are wealthy, I make good grades, and I try to volunteer sometimes, but other than that, my bio was totally and wholly untrue. Anyways back to me. I'm not short, but no tall. I'm not deathly skinny or super obese. I'm not ugly... I think, but like I said, I'm no Miss. Universe. I'm just normal.

Oh yeah, and I deeply despise my college preparatory math course. I hate math with such a fiery passion it puts satan to shame. The numbers and variables haunt my dreams, while the therums, the solutions, the fromulas, and every last cordinate plane torture my soul every waking minute.

I stare blankly at my homework. numbers, variables, and some more numbers. I don't see what the big deal is. Science is my passion. It's my everything.... but, it's not what the 'rents want, so here I am... sturdying math. Yay?

My head snaps up as I hear something. Who would come to the library this late? Or even want too? My mind remined me that I was there and I quickly stopped making judgements. Carefully sliding out of my chair, I took shelter behind the closest non- fiction bookcase.

It's getting louder. I held my breath and cautiouslly peeked over the counter top of the wooden shelf.

It's probably nothing.

I tried to assure myself everything was okay, yet still a knawing feeling was still settled in the pit of my stomach. I gasped, jumping sky high at the ear busting crack of the library doors swinging open, sucessfully knocking Mrs. Garrett's favorite clock to the floor and scaring the baboozles out of me.

This is it Emma, we knew this day would come eventually. Of course we thought it'd be because of our cat finally taking over the world, or maybe a junk food induced coma, then there's the thought of ice cream overdose, but not this way.

Cheers and hollers erupted through the now empty doorway, causing my heart to stop beating and fear knock me to the floor. I saw their leather boots first, followed by one pair of navy blue Sperrys. The five boys shouted and laughed while continuing to destroy the library.

"Guys the security's only down for the next thirty minutes, whatever you want to destroy, destroy it now."

A different voice laughed at the clearly anxious boy the slap on the boys shoulder sounded through the library and whom I assume was the one who had just spoken shifted on his feet, telling me, it was him in the fashionable Sperrys.

"Trust me Brandon, we're fine. This is their payback for suspending us!"

"You. They only suspended you guys. Not me. I'd rather be kept in school."

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