Ch 2: To Die a Virgin

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            I Carter Tyler have not once stepped foot in this library, ever. The mere thought of school sickens me, that was pretty much the only reason I worked my arse off my first two years to graduate early. Well that and because I didn't need my parents riding my tail for two extra years of my life. Yeah I know, I know, some of us aren't lucky enough to get good parents, parent that care, or any parents at all really. I'm one of them. I was admitted into the foster care system when I was about two months old, that's what my 'parents' told me. They adopted me not as a child but a heir. You see both of my foster parents are unable to produce children, and seeing as my father wasn't just an only child, but also didn't have any cousins, my 'grandparents' didn't have anyone to turn to, so they turned to adoption. They figured if they could raise a child from near birth, it'd be exactly the same as having one. I'm glad that they couldn't have children. They knew nothing about raising a baby, or anything really. You could give them a cactus and somehow they'd kill it, just give them about, I don't know, five minutes? Anyways back to the library thing. Never been in this one, never needed it, my high IQ and Google were always there to guide me. Yet here I am, flinging books from their displays, leaving dirty footprints on the nice white pages.

I stop and nudge Jared's shoulder, triggering not only his attention but also his twin's. I envy them, they always have each other, never alone, it'd of been nice to be a twin, or at least have a sibling.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

He nodded then turned to fling a reading chair across the room, letting it smash into four or five pieces as it hit the wall.

"Don't be gone too long." he grunted, grabbed another chair, needless to say it suffered the exact same fate as the first one. I chuckled, walking happily through the doors into the hallway, the sounds of destruction fading behind me. The echo of my leather boots resonated down the dark, empty hallway, giving the building the epitome vision of eeriness. My eyes snapped towards a sound that came from the library, the sound of laughter.

Rolling my eyes I slammed open the doors to the mens bathroom, 'accidentally' kicking the doorstop off in the process. After finishing my business, I took the flashlight I had from my belt and knocked all of the handles on the urinals off. Proud of my handiwork, I tucked the flashlight back into my pants then decided to join the guys back in the library.

Wait. Doesn't the girl's bathroom deserve some love too? Grinning to myself I strolled casually into the bathroom, imagining the reaction of the girls if any had been in here. I took all of the toilet lids, scrunching my nose and looking away when I passed the tampon dispenser on my way out. As I rounded the corner a flash of brown sped by. My senses sharpened at the scent of flowers, I glimpsed back towards the library to see Brandon missing, Connor kneeling, holding a bloody nose, and both of the twins laying on the floor cupping their areas.

"What the?" I dropped my toilet lid trophies and sprinted down the back hallways near the locker rooms, hoping to be able to cut who I assumed was a girl, off. The brief gaps in the wall separating us, she was fast I'll give her that, but not as fast as me. I've been in this game a lot longer. Stepping out in front of the girl, my arms shot out around her, trapping her against the wall sucessfully. She tried to duck under my arms, so I pressed my body closer to her, cutting out any plan of escaping that took place in her mind. I took in the sight of the girl, long brown hair was falling in soft messy curls around her head, her full pink lips set in a firm line as she struggled against my grip. her thick eyelashes framed beautiful blue-grey eyes. She glared up at me, showing me the unmistakable fire in her eyes. Not to sound cliche, but she really was so sweet and innocent looking, NOT. If looks could kill the venom in her withering scowl, I'd be seven feet under times seven hundred. I smirked at her spitefulness, shifting my grip to trap her hands above her head.

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