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only smile for you.

as felix wiped him down with gentle touches the fuzzy feeling still remained, jeongin questioning his conclusion of it being his after-orgasm bliss.

even though he wanted to just called the older by his name, it felt weird to do so. ''mommy,'' he called out. ''i feel weird.''

felix seemed surprised, as he moved his gaze to his face, studying him for a moment.

he noticed the way jeongin's eyes seemed a bit farther away and his eyebrows were furrowed in what seemed like distress, hands laid on the middle of his chest and fumbling with each other.

''do you feel a bit far away, hm?'' felix asked, continuing to clean him up before disregarding the dirty towel on the floor so that he could let his hands trail over his skin.

jeongin nodded. ''i don't- what's going on?'' he stressed, hands holding each other as he started pulling skin from his bottom lip with his teeth.

''it's okay, pup,'' the older soothed, scooting a little closer so he could press his thigh against jeongin's side for more contact. ''that's completely normal.''

''am i-'' jeongin stammered again, his mind too fuzzy to form clear sentences. ''why do i feel so- like this.''

''you're just a bit subby,'' felix explained. ''you'll be a bit floaty and sensitive, but i don't think you're that deep.''

''how do i make it stop,'' he pleaded. ''i don't wanna be like this, please make it stop.''

felix shushed him, still caressing his chest in calm and controlled movements. ''you shouldn't force yourself out of it, pup,'' the older scolded softly. ''i'm right here with you. i'll help you down slowly.''

''but i don't want it,'' jeongin worked himself further into the state of panic. ''i don't- let me feel normal.''

''hey,'' felix demanded his attention, the younger opening his eyes where he didn't even remember screwing them closed. ''calm down, it's okay. doesn't it feel nice? all sweet and free, yeah?''

while talking, felix was working on putting jeongin's clothes back on for him, his hands continuously contacting his skin.

''no,'' the younger shot down, panic rising even more when he realised that felix was probably thinking he was annoying with how difficult he acted. ''i hate it. i feel weak.''

felix was so understanding, assuming it must be his first time in the headspace and letting him complain all the way.

leaning down, he pressed a sweet kiss to jeongin's lips, pecking him a few times before pulling back just a little.

''but you were such a good boy for me,'' felix praised, jeongin feeling floatier just because of the praise. ''you were so perfect and sweet, listening to me so well.''

jeongin seemed to calm down his stress just a bit with the kind words and close proximity of felix's face.

without his knowledge, he sunk even further into subspace, feelings morphing back into carefree and happy.

''is there anything you need, baby?'' he asked, leaning down to kiss his damp cheeks.

''no.'' jeongin quickly denied, already feeling like a bother and betraying himself with a small cough and a thick swallow.

felix took a bottle of water from the nightstand and made him sit up, giving him little sips instead of letting him drink himself.

as jeongin put out his hand to stop him from giving him water he decided himself that it was a good enough amount, putting back the item and laying the sub down again.

''i need you to let me take care of you,'' felix requested softly. ''nobody's watching.''



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