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don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms.

it was a bit hard for both jisung and jeongin at first, but eventually they were cuddling with the one they belonged to.

jeongin had his nose in felix's neck where he was hugging into his side and jisung had his head on his chest as he was a little more used to his status.

chan had walked into the living room in small steps at some point only for woojin to cuddle up with him on the couch and have him fall right back to sleep.

so felix and changbin were the only ones still awake, felix playing with jeongin's hair and changbin holding jisung tight.

''he's a hybrid, right?'' changbin asked, voice soft as to not wake anyone up.

''yeah,'' he breathed, jeongin shuffling a bit to get more comfortable. ''only found out three days ago.''

changbin chuckled. ''must be sore,'' the older opted. ''it's a lot easier with jisung, i guess.''

''not really,'' felix protested. ''he still needs to be knotted, you can't do that.''

''true,'' changbin agreed. ''i think both can be hard, jisung mostly runs around the house a lot. i'd advise finding a way to not get jeongin to do that.''

''jeongin's not very bratty,'' the australian shrugged. ''it makes him happy to listen.''

''lucky,'' he sighed. ''sometimes it seems like jisung does everything in his power just to go against me. he can go from running away from me to clinging onto me within seconds.''

''i- uh- i haven't known jeongin that long yet,'' felix confessed. ''he used to get angry really quick, though. now he's always trying to get kisses.''

''that's instinct,'' changbin said. ''i mean- he probably wants affection in general, but he's trying to claim you as his own. mating season's coming up.''

felix nodded, thinking for a moment. ''but he can't mate me.''

''he'll just bite you,'' the older shrugged. ''he won't go crazy just because it doesn't work, he'll probably get sad and might experience either a sub, dom or alpha drop.''

''alpha drop?'' felix questioned, having read as much as possible but still not knowing all that much.

''lots of crying,'' he said. ''it'll feel like you reject him because your body rejects the mark. do not let him out of whatever place you've nested in or he will refuse to come back to it. if he pushes you out just go back in, he needs you most at that moment.''

felix nodded. ''even if you have to hurt him, keep him in.'' changbin repeated. ''you'll have to build the nest, make sure there's a lot of your and his own scent, the least amount of others possible. ask him for approval and get really excited when you get it.''

''study omega behaviour, it'd be really good for you to help him out as much as you can,'' the older continued. ''it would make him feel really appreciated. jisung has never verbally expressed it, but i can tell he loves it when i act like a stereotypical alpha.''



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