Chapter 1

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"Okay fine I'll go with you"
"Yaaay!! We'll make it in time for open mic with a little time to spare if we leave right now !" Nicole yelled from across the room as she ran to change her clothes.
"I think we should leave the mic to people who can actually sing , but I like you're thinking, let me shower" I say laughing. Nicole and Me are best friends who also happen to be cousins. We live together in Sunset Beach, well Shore Sunset Bay too be exact. And even though we live just 13 minutes from Sunset Beach, for some reason we prefer to drive 6 extra minutes to our favorite place ever. Seal Beach. It's just something we've always done, even when we lived further. Something about Seal makes you feel like your home, Paradis ice cream, all the tourist gift-shops, O'Malley's, and our favorite hole in the wall Bogart's. Bogarts is a small coffee shop that's just so much better than any Starbucks or coffee bean. Whenever we feel stressed, happy, mad, or anything in between we go there always getting the same thing. A green tea for me and a Casa Bianca for Nicole, occasionally we get shaved ice, but not since this one time a guy made fun of us for getting one in the "deadpan of winter" but that's a song for another time. Anyhoo, That's where we'll be going in a couple of minutes. You see, we've both been a little off lately, jaded if you will. Between school, work and relationships were both emotionally drained and need some recharging.
"Dude, remember that band I was telling you about? They came out with a new song!" Nicole said and before I could say anything she's plugging in the aux to play it. "Isn't it soo good! It's like angels singing" Nicole said before continuing to sing along. "Yeah I guess" I liked the song, I really did but there was no way in hell I was going to admit I did, Nicole would never let me live it down.
After we found parking,  we made out way down to the pier. We've always had this tradition, walk the pier, go down to get our feet wet and watch the sunset and talk about the latest happenings in our lives, then we make our way back to Bogart's and find a spot to sit. We usually try going for the friends looking couch but Tuesday's are usually full given that it's open mic night. Luckily our couch is empty. We walk in Nicole going to order and me reserving our couch. We sit and talk a while until we hear someone start singing. "His voice is nice" I say then going back to our conversation. About 6 seconds go by when Nicole yells "Wait, that can't be" cutting our conversation short. "What, who is it?" I say as I turn around. And you'll never guess who it was.....

Half of my HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz