Chapter 9

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"I can't find anything!" I say frustrated. " me neither, Maybe we should just go thrifting and see what we can put together?" Nicole says clearly out of options.
"So when are you going to do it?" Nicole asks as we walk in our local thrift store. "I don't know. I can't find the right moment. I keep thinking what I'm going to do too, like I don't know who to be if I'm not Nicks girlfriend you know?" I say as we look through the clothes. "Yeah I know, but you have to do what's best for you. Besides. Maybe you can be Chances girlfriend now." She says as she winks at me. "I don't think so." I say quickly. "Why not, I think he likes you." Nicole shrugs. "does not." I say. "Does too." She says as we keep looking through the racks. "Let's just focus on finding a costume."
"This is perfect! I have an idea!" I say as I pick something up and show it to Nicole, she nods clearly picking up what I'm thinking.
We get back to the house and start to get ready. "Should we invite them to our party?" Nicole asks. "I guess" I say not knowing the answer. Will I still be with Nick? Would he freak? Would they want to come? "So are you planning on drinking? Oouu are you going to tell Nick your going?" Nicole asks. "I don't know yet. Tequila is my favorite problem solver. And with school and nick, tequila does sound nice. Mmm I don't think So, does that make me a bad girlfriend?" I say peaking Into the bathroom where she's doing her hair. "I mean he's working late, we'll probably be home by then. And maybe I'll tell him to stop by? I don't know? Should I not go?" I say again. "No your not a bad girlfriend and You should totally go you have to go, please for me!" Nicole says. "Ugh, I'm calling him right now. I say as I walk outside.
"Hey babe." He says through the phone.
"Hey, how are you?" I ask.
"Good I guess. What's up?" He says.
"So Nicole got invited to a Halloween party and wants me to go" I wasn't fully lying, she did get invited. And she did want me to go. Besides he goes out with his coworkers all the time. I should be allowed to hang out with friends too, right?
"Who's going" he asks.
"Just some friends from school, Conor's going to be there and him and Nicole have a little thing going on." I tell him. Without even questioning further he says
"Okay, have fun"
"Okay, bye, love" he hangs up before I can finish. I can't tell if he's mad or not. And it's really stressing me out. I go back inside to put the last finishing touches on my costume. Me and Nicole decide to do a costume reveal. We both come out of our rooms on the count of 3. "Okay, 3... 2....1" Nicole says as we both come out. "What! I thought we were matching" I say kinda sad. "When did we say that?" Nicole says confused. "When I showed you the outfit I thought you be my Ross." I say. I went with Rachel from friends, in the one in Vegas and assumed she be Ross, instead she came out as rue from Euphoria. "I can change my shirt and take the glitter off and draw the whiskers and Ross on my face?" Nicole says sounding sorry. "It's okay, if no one gets it. I'll say I'm dressed up as a drunk." "It's okay, no one is probably going to guess my costume either" she says.
"we're both characters from our favorite Tv shows" I chuckle as we get ready to leave.
"Do we just go in? Or?" Nicole says and honestly I have no idea. "Are you guys here for the party?" A guy asks. "Yeah." I say sounding a little unsure. "Do you by any chance know Conor? Or where he would be?" Nicole ask, I'm assuming since him and Chance would be the only people we know. "Oh shit. Are you guys Nicole and Angel?" He Asks. "Yeah?" I say sounding even more unsure than before. "I'm Brady! The guys are inside." He says as he shakes our hand and leads us inside. "You guys came!" Conor says as he hugs me and Nicole. He's dressed up as Bugs bunny. "You're rue, right? Thats Dope!" He says looking at Nicole he turns to me "nice mustache.... oh shit, wait are you Rachel?" He asks. I'm too busy looking at Nicole and how happy she is that he noticed. I can tell if he'd the only one that noticed she'll be content. I look over to Conor and he's looking at me as if he's asked the most important question in the world and he's waiting for me to answer. "Hmmm" I say because I don't really know what's going on. "You're Rachel right?" Conor asks again. "Yeah!" I say kinda happy he noticed too. "No! Her name is Angel" Chance yells from the Top of a table, and I start to wonder if he was there the whole time. He gets down. "No way!" We say at the same time. "Are you really Rachel?" He looks me up and down. "Are you really Ross" I say back to him. He looks at me to the side and yells "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" We both laugh and Nicole is shaking her head. she leans in and whispers to Conor "he's her lobster" and they share a chuckle.
Chance says Hi to Nicole and leads us to the other room. "Hey guys this is Nicole and Angel, Nicole,Angel this is Sergio, Drew and Brady" he says as each of them get up to shake our hands except Brady. "Brady bro, don't be rude" Conor says. "Chill I met them outside already" he says as he sits on his phone. Chance and Conor give us a look as if they're waiting for us to confirm we nod eagerly in unison, Which causes everyone to laugh. "So your angel, right" drew says to me. "Yeah how did you know?" I say genuinely wanting to know. "Chance talks about you a lot. Also I'm not surprised that the girl Chance likes is also a friends fan. Did you guys plan this" he asks pointing at my costume. "Wait What?" I ask. "You guys are Ross and Rachel right, did you guys plan it?" He says sounding skeptical. "No what'd you say before that?" I ask. "Hmmm before that I said Chance talks about you and oooooh...nothing. It was nice meeting you" he says as he grabs Chance and pulls him to the side. "Can I get you guys a drink" Brady asks. "Aren't you too young to be drinking" Nicole asks. I forget that she fake knows them. That they're a band. That she's a fan.  "I'm not drinking it, I'm just getting it." Brady says in a tone as if he's talking to his mom. "Sure I'll have one. Make it a surprise" I tell him. "Hmmm surprise? I don't know how to make that drink" Brady says confused. "You're a fool. She means surprise her." Sergio says. Brady makes a face like he realizes what I mean and leaves.
He comes back with a drink and hands it to me. "Thank you so much." I tell him and he looks at me like he's waiting to see my reaction to his masterpiece. I take a sip. "Mmm margarita, my fav!" I tell him. He smiles and sits back down.
We talk to the guys a little more and met more of their friends. I've had about 5 margaritas and I'm starting to feel a little tipsy. Chance is forsure drunk. But he's a funny drunk. "Hey! You know Frozen right?" He asks "what?" I say not able to hear him. He leans in closer to me "frozen" he says. "Yeah, why?" I ask.

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