Chapter 7

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"Can we forget that ever happened" I say throwing my self on the couch. "Yeah it was pretty intense" Nicole yells from the kitchen. "I can't believe Nick would say that to Chance. like he has no right. He didn't even apologize. Ugh, should I call him? Tell him sorry. I feel horrible. He probably never wants to talk to me again." I say rolling off the couch.
"Mmm, I think he'd say it's not your fault"
"Nicole, are you on the phone with him and you didn't tell me...." I say as I walk in the kitchen and see both him and Conor.
"Oh, hey. Well Umm first off I want to say sorry. I didn't know you guys were going to show up, someone knows I hate surprises still always manages to try to surprise me. And second I'm so sorry for Nick, he's been.... not on his best behavior lately. I promise he's not like that." I say and Nicole scoffs.
"Anyways. I told the guys we should watch the nightmare before Christmas" Nicole says.
"I'll make cookies!" I say opening the refrigerator. "Man, Chances cookies are to die for." Conor says placing his hand on Chances shoulders. "Well I guess we'll have a cookie bake off" I say throwing an apron at Chance.
"Well umm go get blankets and things" Nicole says as her and Conor leave us alone. "So I really am sorry." I say again. "It's cool, I had my daughter at a young age. I'm used to people having their opinions and judging me. I don't let it get to me. now if you hated kids I'd be heartbroken" he says putting his hand over his heart and leaving a flour handprint on his shirt. "Nice one" I say pointing at his shirt and we both laugh. "I do love kids though. And I do want kids, I just don't know. This world is so fucked up, why expose something I love to it you know" I say "I guess, but it's not going to get any better if we ignore the problem . The way I see it, if we educate kids on how to make the world a better place they can help restore it. I think the world needs a little extra you anyways" he says as he mixes the dough. "I was really sad you didn't go paddle boarding. I thought you were ignoring me" he continues. "Truth is, I think I was. I like you and all but you know I have a boyfriend. And like I'm not saying you like me or anything I just felt bad not telling you I have a boyfriend. Not that you'd care or anything. It felt wrong not telling and I didn't think you'd care and Like just telling you I had a boyfriend would be weird and I wouldn't know how to bring it up And.............. now I'm rambling. Sorry." I say stepping away from him. "What is the deal with you and your boyfriend anyways? You guys seem like the complete opposite" He says sounding genuinely curious. "Hmm, we got together when we were 14 and have been together ever since. He really was a good guy" I stop and think "he was alot nicer before. Lately I feel like he's tired of me. He only has time for me when he wants and he gets mad for everything. I just don't know how much longer I can take this... i guess it's true, opposites do attract" I say realizing I'm sharing way to much. "He doesn't deserve you" he says stepping closer. "So tell me more about Brooklyn" I say really wanting to know and hopefully getting off the subject I hate the most. My relationship. "Well like you know. She's 4, her names Brooklyn, she's the sweetest, funniest and smartest 4 year old ever. I rarely get to see her because of touring and writing and all that. She doesn't like it, not seeing me often, I know it. But I hope one day she see that's I'm doing this not only because it's my dream but because I can allow her to have her life you know?" "of course she'll know. you're amazing guy and I'm sure you're an even better dad." I tell him suddenly realizing how closer we are. "We need to preheat the oven!" I say walking away.
"Woah, what going on in here" Conor says as him and Nicole walk in. "Just making cookies ahahhaha" I say laughing uncontrollably. "I need you." I say low grabbing Nicole by the arm and dragging her to the other room while still laughing. "Omg So Conor is so funny" Nicole says. "So is this like the 3rd date?" I say placing my finger on my cheek. She smacks it away. "What are you going to do about Nick?". "I mean I don't wanna break up with him, but what he said today really bothered me. And I hate who he's turning into. We hardly talk and when we do we have nothing in common. On top of that I keep finding myself thinking about Chance and his life." I say trailing off realizing that the boys are eavesdropping by the door. I point toward the kitchen and tell her to follow my lead. "So have you kissed Conor yet?" I ask. "Not yet. But I want too. I think I'm going to do it tonight. I hope he changes the movie to a scary movie. Like Annabelle or something." She says trying not to laugh. "It is one of the spookiest movies ever. If he puts it on you have to kiss him." I say back. "I mean I have to right! we should probably go back and check on the cookies though we wouldn't want them to burn our house down" she says. As we are about to walk back in the kitchen we hear scrambling and walk in to Chance and Conor on the floor. "What happened here?" I ask already knowing. "This is a ummm cookie ritual. To make the cookies more uhhhhh flavorful." Conor says "yeah! I can't believe you don't do it." Chance says backing Conor up. "Well can you wrap it up. I wanna watch a movie" Nicole says. "Yeah. Let's go I'll pick one" Conor says. "Yeah, pick a scary one." Chance says giving Conor a look. "Ohhhhhh, I wanted to watch The nightmare before Christmas" I say sad. "Yeah, the nightmare before Christmas sounds good too" Chance says. "We should watch Annabelle" Conor says. "We don't watch scary movies, Angel is actually allergic to them. She freaks out anytime anyone mentions them. We can't even have scary movies in the house we can't even say the S word. She gets spooked out and she cries and has a nervous breakdown and we're just fucking with you guys. We know you were listening to us" Nicole explain as we both laugh. "Y'all are cruel" Conor says. "So Annabelle it is then?" Chance says as he puts on The nightmare before Christmas.

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