Chapter 10

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"Hi. So I'm Chance and this is Angel. We'll be singing a powerful, moving, powerful duet. Thank you." "What, I can't sing" I tell him. "It's fine. Everyone's drunk, if your having a good time, they are too" he says. the music starts and Chance starts "All my life has been a serious of doors in my face and suddenly I bump into you." He sings. "I was thinking the same thing Cause I've been searching my whole life to find my own place" I continue. Once the songs over everyone is cheering, which makes me feel a lot better about how shitty I sing. "I can't believe you made me sing" I say as I sit on the couch. "What you were amazing!" He says sitting down next to me. "You were amazing. Like so good. I sound like a seagull" I said laughing. "No really you were really really good. Did I said really?" He says. I can't believe I'm here. Having a good time. Without Nick. Since we've been together I've never done anything without him. It's always been me and Nick. And he wouldn't like it here. It's not his scene. If it were up to him we'd probably stay at the house and watch Netflix. Or go out to eat. I never would have gotten to meet all the other guys. Or sing a frozen song in front of a whole bunch of people I just met. Maybe, just maybe Nicole is right. Maybe I do need to do it. "I'm breaking up with nick!" I blurt out. Why did I just say that. "Really?" Chance asks happily. I nod. "Really really" he asks again leaning In. I don't register it until his lips are on mine. Oh my gosh! I pull away. "Ummm I should go find Nicole!" I say leaving. Of course, Nicole is with Conor. I feel bad pulling her away But I definitely need her help. "Hey, do you need another drink... are you okay?" Brady asks seeing how flustered I look. I shake my head. He takes me outside and we sit by the pool with our feet in the water. "So what's up" Brady asks "I mean if you wanna talk. If not we can just chill here. I like the water" Brady says. "I just don't know what do you about anything Anymore" I say splashing my feet in the water. "Oh about your boyfriend" I give him a look "what? They talk to me too" he says shrugging. " I mean yeah that to. But Chance just kissed me right now and school is kicking my ass, and I'm starting to think Nick is not the one for me" i say. "Wait, my man did what?" Brady asks with his jaw dropping. " I know, we were talking about me signing and next thing I know he's kissing me. He's drunk and I'm sure he didn't mean it but I totally just cheated on Nick." I tell him. "Look Chance might be drunk, but he definitely wanted to kiss you. He's always talking about you. And it's not your fault he kissed you. I'm sure Nick will understand. Or we can just not tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me." Brady says crossing his heart. "Thanks Brady!" I say hugging him. "So I like this girl" Brady starts. I look at him signally that I'm listening he starts talking about her and how he's scared to tell her. "I say just go for it, if she doesn't like you that's her loss. You're a pretty great guy." I tell him. "Thanks. You know you're really easy to talk to." He says. "Yeah I've been told" I say as we both laugh. "Hey, whatcha doing out here" Nicole says as he and Conor sit down next to us. "Whose house is this?" I ask trying not to make us being out here alone awkward. "Ours." Conor says. "I officially live with my brother a couple of minutes away, but this is like a band house, you know?" Brady says. "That's crazy, I can't imagine living here" Nicole says. "Same, I would always be in the pool" I say. "It's kinda boring sometimes not going to lie. That's why me and Chance go to the beach." Conor says. "Hey! Me too!" Brady chimes in. "And Brady too, he just wasn't with us when we met you guys." Conor says rolling his eyes. "Talking about Chance where is he" Nicole asks. All three of them look at me. "I think he fell asleep on the couch." Brady says saving my ass. "Typical Chance." Conor says nodding. Conor notices Nicole shivering. "Are you cold?" He asks. " a little." She says. He gets up saying he'll be back as he runs away. "So you like Conor?" Brady asks. We both look in Nicole's direction. "I don't know? Maybe? This is off the record though" she says. Me and Brady laugh. "Hey, So now that Conor is gone, guess what?!" I say to Nicole. "What" Conor says coming back with a sweater for both me and Nicole. "I was going to say that we should invite you guys to our Halloween party, it's nothing like this, but it's something" I say looking around at the house one more time. "We'll be there. Is this just a me and Brady invite or a boys invite, because I think Chance will be kinda buggin if he's not invited" he says. I hadn't thought about that. What if he gets drunk again and tries to kiss me? What if I haven't broken up with Nick by then? What if I'm not drunk enough to forget he tried to kiss me and he is? Do I bring it up? What do I do. "All you guys of course" Nicole says. Brady looks at me as if he knows what I'm thinking. "Are you okay" he whispers I nod. "Yo, we should go watch some rick and Morty" Brady says. We all agree. Conor gets up first and helps Nicole up by her hand. Brady offers me his hand but I got up by myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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