Chapter 2

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"So what are you going to do about it" Nicole asked half annoyed. Nicole has never been a big fan of Nick. "I don't know." I said shaking my head. And it was true I didn't know what to do. "Well did I tell you my moms officially lost it!" Nicole says as she practically pulls out her hair. "He sings nice" I say then proceed with "nope, but I'm honestly not surprised". "She wants me to move back in with her" she says shaking her head. "What! No you can't! Why! What?" "I know she says that she wants me closer to her so I can keep in eye on her" "you know she's only saying that because...." before I can finish Nicole is shaking my arm and saying "wait that can't be!" "Hello? Earth to Nicole?" I say waving my hand in front of her face to no surprise she doesn't even flinch. I decided to turn around to see what she's gazing at. I'm met with the dude who I had previously said had a nice voice. After staring for a minute or two I turn back to Nicole "You know him? How don't I??" "Dude, he's from the band! In real life? Like the band dude.." she says still staring at the singer. I quickly realize that it's the band she's always talking about. I turn back around to get a quick glance. After he sings his last song, and the next act goes up. He looks around to find the only open seat, which happens  to be on the couch. Our couch. He then walks towards us. "Hello, do you mind if I sit here? I'm waiting for a friend." He asks. I look over to see if Nicole is okay with it. And by the look on her face I'm sure she is. "Sure." I say. It's pretty awkward until he says "hey, are you guys from around here" "yeah! We live in sunset! Are you?!" Nicole practically yells. He simply laughs. "Actually no. But a friend lived here and I love it here" he says. I was about to ask his name when another guy walks in and the singing guy gets up to greet him. "You can have him. I call Conor" Nicole whispers to me. "Who's Conor?" I say as soon as the music stops and to my surprise the guy with the nice voice turns. "How did you know my name?" "Would you happen to be in a band?" I ask eyes locked on Nicole. "Yeah? But I never told you... wait" he says starting to put the pieces together. "Well if you know my name it's only fair I know yours" he says as he sticks out his hand. "I'm Angel and this over here is Nicole" I say as I shake his hand and wait for Nicole to get up and formally introduce herself. "Sorry for her she's a little flabbergasted" I say trying not to laugh. " it's okay, I love you Nicole" he says. Just then I meet eyes with his friend, I don't know how long we were looking at each other but once Conor notices he says "Oh, this is my band mate Chance. Chance, well you heard their names" Chance shakes my hand and holds it for what felt like forever. "Woooo, a little flirting" Nicole says under her breath and I shoot a look at her "oh now you wanna talk". Chance simply laughs and sits next to me on the couch.

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