Chapter 8

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"Not it" I yell as I heard someone knock on the door. "Ugh, fine" Nicole says as she gets up and pauses the movie. "Uhhh, Where's Angel" Nick says. He pushes his way through Nicole who is trying to keep him at the door. "What The hell is this?" He points at me laying on the couch and Chance sitting on the floor by my head. "We're watching Annabelle??" I say wondering why he's mad. "You stay the hell away from her" he yells as he points at chance. "You need to leave" Nicole says as she points at Nick. "No I wasn't invited to your little movie date. I don't want Angel in this environment. We're leaving" he says as he try's to pull me off the couch. "Hey buddy, I think it's best if we all Just leave the girls" chance says. "No, she's not your girl! She's mine and I'm not leaving without her" he says as he drags me off the couch by my arm as Nicole screams. "Your hurting me. Stop!" I say but he doesn't listen. Chance and Conor share a look. "Hey man. Just make this easier for everyone and leave. No one wants you here." Conor says looking around at everyone. Nick lets go of me and storms out the house. I immediately fall on the floor and cry. "Hey, it's okay." Nicole says as she rushes by my side and holds me. "Are you okay?" Conor says as he crouches In front of me. Chance however is pacing the floor.
"You know what you have to do right?" Nicole asks. And I do, she means I have to break up with him. I always told her if Nick got too aggressive or too physical she's tell me to break up with him. And no matter what I'd listen. If he's willing to drag me off the couch what else is he willing to do. I nod to her signaling I remember our agreement. "What? What do you need to do? I can call the cops for you if you'd like" Conor says. "No. It's not that. It's something we agreed on" Nicole says. "Let's get you up and get you some hot cocoa" Conor says setting me on the couch asking Nicole where we keep the hot cocoa mix at as they walk to the kitchen. Chance still hasn't said anything, I look around thinking that he must of left or something. He really doesn't need all this drama in his life with brooklyn and all. "He really doesn't deserve you" Chance says as he come out of nowhere and places a blanket on me then sits down next to me. "Ehhh" I say looking up as if I'm trying to decide if he's right. "I'm sorry about today and all this drama. I'm not like this....Usually." I explain. "It's okay, it was better than staying in and watching Jersey Shore with Conor" he shrugs. The sound of Jersey Shore sends Nicole flying to the couch, jumping on top of me "YESS! You watch it." She yells and points at chance "Actually Conor does, he just forces me to" Chance says laughing as Conor makes his way to the couch with cocoa for everyone. "No way, Nicole does the same. I used to watch it when it first aired but I just lost interest" I say as I take the cocoa from Conor and thank him. "I want to dress up as Snooki for Halloween" Nicole says pulling her hair up to make Snooki's infamous poof. Oh no! Halloween is this week. I was supposed to match with Nick, we go matching every year . Who am I going to go as now. what am I going to do. When am I even going to break up with him. I have to do it in person but I hardly see him. I start crying again. "I want to cancel Halloween" I say through the tears. Nicole catches on and explains to the guys. "Her and Nick match costumes every year. It's like a thing they do." "I have to get a costume for myself  and it's in like 5 days! All the good ones will be gone! And I don't wanna match with you Nicole. I hate Sammi!" I say still crying "I think your more of a jwow" she says trying to lighten the mood. It works. We all laugh. "Can we talk about something else." I say not wanting to cry any more. "Sure, whats your favorite thing in the whole world" Chance asks. "The whole world? That's a lot of pressure. But I think the beach. I've always been facenated by it and how much we don't know. I always feel small when I'm near the ocean. Like I'm just a fleck on this world. And even though my problems seem big in my life there are so much bigger problems. Like the world doesn't revolve around me." I say . "That's why we go to the beach so much. It really puts things in perspective." Nicole says. "I think the beach is my favorite place too." Chance says and Conor agrees. "are you still with Brooklyn's Mom?" Nicole asks Chance. "Getting straight to the point I see.... I'm not. We broke up a couple of months after Brooklyn was born. We're still really close though." He says. "My turn!" Conor yells. "Hypothetically if we invited you guys to a Halloween party tomorrow would y'all go?" Me and Nicole share a look. "Sure" Nicole says and I nod agreeing. "Sick. Your next" Conor says pointing at me. "I don't know, Skip me." I say as I drink my cocoa. "Actually, I should probably get going. I have to tuck Brooklyn in and sing her a lullaby pretty soon" Chance explains as he looks at the clock. "And Chance is my ride" Conor adds. "See y'all tomorrow. Make sure you dress up!" Conor yells as he's walking to Chances car. We tell them good night and we step back in and fall as the door closes. "What a night" Nicole says. "What. A. Night." I say back. "Guess we have to double Halloween shopping"

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