Chapter 4

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"I'm so tired I could drop dead" Nicole says and I agree. We spent all night with Conor and Chance, talking about constellations and zodiac signs. "So I think Conor was into you" I  wink from across the room. "WHoO SaAiDd DaAt" Nicole said looking shocked. "Hello, he totally was showing some interest" "ewww, no he didn't" Nicole says "and that's final, I'm going to sleep now. Good night" she slams the door. Umm okay I guess then I think to myself. Even though I'm running on 2 hours of sleep and I'm exhausted I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about Nick and what to do about our situation. I kind of felt bad not telling Chance, but I honestly didn't feel the need to it was a harmless friendship, right?
My phone buzzing pulls me out of my thoughts.
*hey, just wanted to say hope you got home safe and I had a lot of fun. Whenever you guys are around hit me up*
After typing and retyping about 20 times I finally send
*yeah of course. Good night*
Good night? First of all it's morning, second of all I'm nowhere near going to sleep. But for some reason I felt bad.
I call Nick and of course no answer. Ugh really.
*oh you're going to sleep? Okay. Good night sweet dreams*
Not knowing what to do I turn on Netflix and start flipping through my list. Guess I'm rewatching friends tonight.
"GOOOOOOD MORNING" Nicole yells from her room. What? What time is it. Holy 11 AM. "Dude. You called it, I'm totally not going to work today." Nicole says as she walks in my room followed by "did you stay up all night? Or?" "Yeah I guess I did. I...... nevermind. Shall we embark in another adventure today?" I say hoping she doesn't bring up Nick. "Funny you mention that, Conor texted me saying me, you, him and Chance should go paddle boarding" Chance, i don't know. I feel like should keep my distance. At least for now. "I actually just remembered I have a ton of homework. Go without me, have fun and keep me updated on you and Conor!" I say hoping she won't beg me to go. "Are you sure?" "Positive, have fun" I say assuring her. "Okay, luv you. Have fun with your ummmmmm schoolwork" she says as she walks out the door.

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