Chapter 5

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I wake up to Nicole ploping down onto me. "Umm hello, I'm trying to sleep here" i wasn't, I just wanted to lay down, watch friends and forget about everything else. Truth Is I've been beating myself up all day for not going. But it just felt bad, I wasn't cheating or anything but it still felt just as wrong. On top of that I really wanted to go to the beach too, it's currently October and it'll be getting cold soon, too cold to go to the beach.  I mean me and Nicole will still go and freeze our asses off, well just me. I'm always cold. I mean ALWAYS I never not wear a sweater, even in the summer. It's weird. "aren't you supposed to be doing homework or something?" Nicole says now off of me placing her hand on her hips. "Yeah I do, I mean I did. I mean I was, but Nick came over for a bit and we got food and went to tell mall and..." Nicole cuts me off "ugh. I mean I guess I understand but I still don't like him. Chance is a better suitor" she says fixing her imaginary tie. I really didn't wanna talk about Chance or Nick for that matter. I just knew she was going to ask me what I was going to do about The ways Nicks been acting, and that's still a question I didn't have the answer too. Lucky for me I knew the perfect conversation changer. "You know what? I didn't get anything to eat, I'm starving. Wanna go get some chicken?" I say knowing the answer is yes. It's not just any chicken though, it's pineapple, pineapple chicken from lemonade another one of our favorite spots. Their food and drinks are to die for. "Dude, say less" Nicole says as she puts the clothes she just took off back on. The car ride there consisted of a jam out sesh to all of our favorite songs, old and new. Once we got there Nicole was so distracted I had to order her food for her. "Hello? Earth to Nicole" I said waving my hand in front of her face. But still nothing. I even tried to look over my shoulder to see who and what she was texting. She hated that. So I thought forsure she'd get off her phone and yell at me or something. But nope. Nothing, she didn't even look up! All she did was move over so I could no longer see it.  I wondered what she was doing on her phone, making plans to meet with a sugar daddy I didn't know bout? Stalking Taylor K, Looking up Concert tickets, online shopping, booking us tickets to Texas. But shook it off just thinking she was texting Conor about their date. For a second I started thinking about Chance, if he still went, If he asked for me, what he thought, if he thought about me. But that was all dismissed when I got a call from Nick. "Hey babe, what are you doing" "just here at lemonade with Nicole, you?" I say not really wanting to talk. "Cool I'll be over there in 3 minutes" he says hanging up before I can say anything. Okay I guess... Nicole is not going to be happy about this
"Guess what" we say at the same time. "You go first" Nicole says "no you" I say hoping she has good news to make up for my bad news. "Okay fine" she says and starts smiling but before Either of us can tell the other the news we here "hey babe!!!"
"NICK, really?" Nicole yells at looks at me.
"Yo guys, this place is cool" "WHY is he here Nicole?!?" I tell back at her. "So i maybe thought it was a good idea to invite Conor and his plus, if you know what I mean" she says as she nods in Their direction. I just wanted to get out of the house eat some chicken and not think about anything. How did I end up at lemonade with both of the people I was trying to ignore.

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