Chapter 12

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Will's POV:
I got in my car and slammed the door shut. Then I immediately regretted it because I didn't have enough money to fix it if it broke. I sighed as I rested my head agains the steering wheel. That did not just happen, right?

I needed to wrap my head around all this before I could talk to Nico. He had to be mad at me. Fuck. What was I going to do? Was there anything I could do? I knew I had to talk to Nico sooner or later but all I wanted to do right now was to hide under the covers in my bed and disappear forever. Also, what would I say? We had already established that we would keep this a secret, and I had literally just told the entire class. I mean, they had no way of knowing it was Nico I'd talked about, right? I had absolutely no clue at all. What a mess. I didn't want to loose my job and Nico would-

As if he could read my thoughts, Nico texted me.

Meet me by ur car @ 12. Need to talk

I checked the time, 11:50 AM. Only 10 minutes. I texted Nico a quick "OK" back and waited for him to come.

After 10 minutes of just staring at the steering wheel, I heard steps outside the car. The steps swiftly came closer and the door on the passengers side opened.

"Drive" Nico said as he entered the car, closing the door behind him.

"What? Why-" I asked confused.

"Windows are see-trough right? So drive before someone sees us"

I had no idea where the sudden attitude came from but I did as he said. I sat the car in reverse and started to pull out of the parking lot. I didn't know where to drive, but it didn't seemed like Nico had a specific place in mind anyway, so I decided to let the car take us where it wanted to go, or whatever that means.

"She knows" Nico said, after we had driven about 10 minutes in silence. I looked over at him confused.

"Who knows what?" I asked and I must have looked completely lost because Nico rolled his eyes.

"Alex knows about us" He said, gesticulated with his hands between us. Alex was one of the students in Nico's english class and actually one of my best students. To be honest, she was a little intimidating.

"What- How-? When? What?" I studdered. In my head there was no possible way any of my students could've known I talked about Nico. We'd been really careful whenever we would go out or do anything.

"After class, she pulled me to the side and said that she 'knew what I was doing' and that 'it was dangerous'. " Nico explained. "She didn't say much, only that she'd seen us that day we went to that cinema in town."

"Fuck" I said. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm going to loose my fucking job. What am I going to do?"

"You need to get a swear jar" Nico noted. I looked over at him. How was he so calm? I was loosing my shit over the situation and all he cared about was a fucking swear jar? Okay, yeah, I may need one of those. But still, how was he so calm? If this got out I would loose my job, I could get arrested and then I would never get a new job because I had a criminal record.

Nico must have seen the panic in my eyes. "Calm down, it's okay," he said. I knew he meant it well, but my head was too focused on panicing to think rationally. I felt anger bobble up inside me.

"No, Nico. It's not okay. I'm going to loose my job over this. It's not just some game of cat and mouse, this is real life. I could go to prisen for this for gods sake."

"Hey, I understand. Getting caught will have consequences for me too." Nico shot back, raising his voice too.

"Oh, really? What's in it for you? You get grounded for a week maybe. The steaks are not the same for us. This can affect the rest of my life, but you are too young to understand that."

I regretted the words as soon as I had said them. Nico looked downright pissed, like he wanted to punch me. He just stared right ahead, not saying anything, his arms crossed.

"Nico, I'm-"

"Stop the car." Nico said abruptly. I looked at him confused. "Stop the car" he repeated, his voice cold as stone. I pulled over at the nearest bus stop and as soon as I stopped, Nico opened the door and got out.

"Nico, where are you go- I'm sorry. Nico!" I yelled after him to stop, but he ignored me.

"I'm taking the bus back to school. I've said what I wanted to say," he said, closing the door harder than necessary.

"Come, on Nico, you can't just-" I tried to argue, rollong down the window on the passenger side.

"I can't just what? Take the bus alone, because I'm 'too young'?" he glared at me before turning around. "Goodbye, Mr. Solace"

I tried to call after him, but he didn't turn back. I sighed and rested my head on top of my hands on the steering wheel. Why did I always fuck things up?

i'm sorry for not updating in a while. school and life got in the way, lol. but on a more serious note, i love writing this story so i will update whenever i can❤️

also ideas are always welcome!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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