Chapter 11

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The next morning, Aarav landed on their door step as a big surprise for Mrs. Rai. Aarav was good looking and almost as tall as Arnav, but Aarav didn't resemble his cousin too much. He wore glasses which reminded Khushi that Manav hadn't been wearing his glasses much since the first day she had seen him.

The same night, Anjali had also arrived in Udupi. Arnav had announced casually about his cousin sister's impending visit without imparting any more information. Since she was sharing her room with Anjali, and with Aarav's arrival, they hadn't really talked since the night on the terrace.

The next morning, it was full house and with Ratna's, Khushi managed to get the breakfast ready.

"This dosa is amazing Khushi," Anjali complimented her, "you will have to share the recipe with me."

"That is Neer dosa," Mrs. Rai explained, "Khushi had become very good at it now."

"Sure Anjaliji." Khushi said politely.

"Please call me Anjali." Anjali's smile completely transformed her face, taking years off it. Khushi couldn't help admiring how elegant and poised Anjali looked in her long gray kurta, with pink flowers and green vines printed on it. She had matched it with ankle length white cotton pants.

"You have a beautiful house here aunty," Anjali complimented Mrs.Rai, "lovely location too."

"You can come here anytime you wish," Mrs. Rai said, "I hope you know this house belongs to Arnav now."

"How many times have I told you not to say that?" Arnav said, "The house belongs to you."

Mrs. Rai explained how they had been forced to mortgage the house after their parents' death. A few years ago, Arnav had bought the house.

"I will be buying an apartment in Bangalore soon," Aarav said, "mom and I will live there when I come back."

"What made you come to Udupi Aarav?" Arnav asked his cousin, "I told you I was taking care of Ma."

"He came because he as jealous," Manav quipped as he looked at Aarav's annoyed face. "I sent you all those pictures with Arnav and aunty and you couldn't take it anymore."

"Why don't you grow up?" Aarav asked him, "I am not 18 anymore."

"This has been going on with them since college," Mrs. Rai told Khushi, "Aarav spent half his holidays in Bangalore and the other half in Mangalore."

"What was the point?" Manav retorted, "He would bring all his books to Arnav's place and be buried in them."

"I was studying medicine not computer science."

"He loved Mangalore so much that he ended up doing his residency here," Manav said.

"Don't be silly," Aarav dismissed it, "you weren't even here."

"Did I say you did for us?" Manav grinned, "you must have come her for some South Canara beauty."

"Beauty – my foot!" Aarav exclaimed, "I came here because of the hospital. Do you know how important a residency program is? It's not like your silly computer games."

Khushi got the feeling that Aarav was completely opposite to Manav in nature, more mature and serious, even more so than Arnav.

"We earn our living with our silly computer games." Manav retorted.

"Alright you two – cut it out," Arnav said, his tone laced with humour, "you are scaring the ladies here with your squabbling."

Manav turned to Arnav. "I know you can take care of mom – in fact you have been doing that the past few years," he said, "I wanted to see mom and had planned to come here during Christmas holidays anyway. After this, I plan to take mom to Bangalore to visit dad's relatives."

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