Chapter 16

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Khushi sat at the table eating her breakfast, missing Anjali, who had to leave for work early in the morning. However, she was thankful for the absence of Arnav's formidable father who unnerved for some reason. Lavanya talked about her work at the hotel, lamenting to Arnav about how it was so difficult to work for Indian companies. Arnav seemed preoccupied with his phone as he answered her in monosyllables.

In the last few days Khushi had seen a side of Arnav that she had never seen before. He seemed as intimidating as the house she was residing in currently. Here in Delhi, Arnav was clean shaven and even though he had always had the air of broodiness about him, now he seemed hard and cold as he avoided her at every opportunity. Nevertheless, he looked as handsome as ever.

"How is your job search going Khushi?" Lavanya asked her, breaking into her thoughts.

"It is going well." Khushi answered evasively.

"I asked you because there is a job at the hotel I am working at right now," Lavanya said, "they need a receptionist."

"I don't think that I will be able to do that job," Khushi said politely.

"Why not?" Lavanya demanded, "it is a simple enough job – not rocket science. You just need to be confident. What you need to do is to change your way of dressing. Here in Delhi it matters how you present yourself."

Khushi noticed the sharp look that came into Arnav's eyes as he clenched his jaw.

"Those who work at the front desk are usually hotel management graduates Lavanya," Arnav pointed out, "Khushi is not qualified to work there."

"I am sure they will take her if she tried," Lavanya persisted, "I could talk to the management –"

"I don't think you should," Arnav told her firmly, " If she is capable enough to come all the way to Delhi, I am sure she is capable enough to find her own job."

"Arnav, that is rude!" Lavanya admonished him playfully, "she needs a job. We should help her."

"I think Khushi can manage without our help," he told her, "You are getting late for work, aren't you?"

Lavanya looked at her phone. "Oh God!" She stood up and ran out of the room.

Khushi excused herself and walked toward her room feeling desolate. The huge house with its opulent drapes and expensive furniture made her uncomfortable. It was probably because she felt she didn't belong here. She missed Mrs. Rai and her ancestral house. She remembered Ratna's smiling face and of her lovely kids who had cried when she left. She felt at home there.

Arnav was making it clear that he really didn't want her here. Had she made a mistake coming all the way to Delhi to convince him? It was possible that the moments they had shared was just a fleeting feeling and there was nothing more to it. In the next moment, Arnav came up behind her, and grabbing her hand he led her into the study room.

"What are you trying to do?" he demanded as he stepped closer.

"What did I do?" She asked him perplexed by his anger. She unconsciously took a step back.

"Why are you making yourself look so desperate that every Tom, Dick or Harry is offering you a job out of sympathy?"

"I didn't ask them!" Khushi hit back.

"You don't have to," he said, "one look at you and they are handing out those good for nothing jobs for which you are over qualified."

"Arnav I do need a job. My tenant in Bangalore is giving me some trouble --" She missed his beard, his casual shirts of which the top two were unbuttoned.

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