Chapter 14

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The next morning, as she stood in Mrs. Rai's house, Khushi wished the earth would swallow her.

She had put off talking to Arnav in the morning hoping to explain everything to him later. She'd told herself that it was best to spend some time alone with him in the next few days and break it to him at the appropriate moment.

Now it was too late.

Rishabh stood in the living room staring at her and Arnav with a cold piercing gaze.

"It was so hard to find you Khushi," Rishabh said, "but luckily someone from your college had called my office for reference. When I went there this morning, they told me I could find you here."

He looked at Arnav. "I can't believe you are living here with Arnav Singh Raizada – the man responsible for your sister Payal's death. Didn't you hear anything I told you?"

Khushi saw Arnav's face going stone hard.

Khushi's face went pale. "Arnav please listen to me – " she pleaded, "I meant to tell you –"

Rishabh walked up to Khushi. "Khushi, I am very sorry for rushing the proposal," he said, "If I hadn't told you about Raizada -- we might be married today. Khushi please come back to me. I can't forget the times we worked together and how you helped me get over my ex."

A muscle ticked in Arnav's jaw indicating his anger was rising.

"Stop it Rishabh!" Khushi exclaimed in frustration, "can you leave? I need to talk to Arnav –"

"No!" Arnav raised his hand silencing her, "I will leave and you both to talk or whatever it is you want to do." His eyes were dark with anger.

"Arnav please!" Khushi cried.

Arnav walked out of the house got on to his bike and sped away.

Khushi turned toward Rishabh, her eyes glittering with rage. "Leave this house now!"

"Rakesh was right," he told her, "you have fallen for his lies – just like Payal."

She looked at him straight in the eyes. "That's where you are wrong Rishabh," she said, "he hasn't told me anything. You are the ones who have fallen for lies. It is as though that is what you wanted to believe in – for whatever reasons. You said you saw Payal arguing with Arnav. What about the argument you all had with her?"

"Khushi!" Rishabh exclaimed in shock, "who told you?"

"It doesn't matter! Was it true or not?"

"You don't understand!" he said, "we– we were -- trying to help her. Moreover, he was the one who was dating her!"

"Really?" she said her tone sarcastic, "Did you see them together?"

"No – but Rakesh -- !"

"I don't give a damn about what Rakesh and you think anymore. Just leave the house or else I will call the police."

A little later Khushi lay down on her bed and slept, exhausted in mind and body. As she woke up, the room was shrouded in darkness. She heard noises coming from Arnav's bedroom and she hurried toward the room.

"Arnav?" she called out to him softly as she stepped in to the room. She saw him packing his things into a suitcase. "Are you leaving?"

"Yes," his didn't look up at her.

"Please Arnav, won't you give me a chance to explain?"

"Okay. Why didn't you tell me when you met me?" he asked her, "you knew who I was."

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