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"Wow am I hallucinating things right now?" I heard a faint voice, I couldn't make it clear was it a female or a male.

"I thought those times were gonne." Another voice was there, well I think I sleep more than needed. I opened my eyes and tried to find where the voices where coming from.

I couldn't see a thing, it was pitch black even the streets light were off. The only thing that was shining was the Moon.

"Let's see more clearer who's there. Come one." I think it's a female.

I turned my head and meet the eyes of a half naked female with bright red hair looking intensely at me. I tried to avoid eye contact and seem like i wasn't panicking inside. But she catched me staring at her so there's no way of avoiding this.

I saw her coming closer to me, and there I realized that another female was following her, she had blonde hair and a bra with mini skirt on. Both of their nine inches heels were clicking on the ground making me anxious.

"What are u doing here?" The one with red hair asked me.

I went still, don't want to scare my brother if we go on a fight or something.

"Ejj, I'm talking to you, are u deaf?" As I tried to catch my breath she came in front of me, I tried to control my breathing rate but was increasing with every step she took towards me. I was still sitting with my brother's head on my lap.

"Do you realize that you're in big trouble?" She asked  me in what seems like a retorical question wich I head no idea about but it took me all the courage I had left to answer.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about, is there a problem that I'm sitting in a bench without disturbing anyone?" Well I never knew I had this much courage in those situations, I talked more that even I thought. Anyway why would there be a problem, as if they posses the benches, hahah what a stupid thought.

"Looks like first impressions aren't the right ones, you got some sassy there bitch." She insulted me, omg I've never been insulted from a stranger let alone a female, aren't we in what is called "female support each other"shit.

"Look I don't know you, if there's a problem please let me know so I can do somthing to solve it." I tried as much as I could to stay still and not disturb Bruce but I felt movements and I panicked. I don't want Bruce to be present in a fight or hear insults that right know were throwed at me. So I patted his head and he went to sleep, again.

"You are sitting in my bench, now I was supposed to be asleep but looks like someone occupied my 'bed' and I don't tolerate such things. You ever heard <sleep do magic>."  I was shocked, there were other benches. Omg what have I put myself into, I was starting to regret ever stepping outside my house.

"But there's other benches here." She was laughing but without humor, cold sweat were falling from my forehead I had a bad feeling about this.

"Look I'm tired now and it seems like you're new here and don't know the rules so I'm letting go of this thing, just this time. So now move."  I took Bruce in my arms and saw her laying in the bench, here underwear being posed for everyone to see.

"Can you tell me where I am atleast?" I asked her I mean after hearing her say those things like rules I was freaking out.

The blonde one came towards me and told me to sit down with her on 'her bench' so she'll explain to me.

"Don't mind her, she's been through a lot of shit today. As I'm guessing your new at this place and have no idea what is going on, right?" She asked me and I just nodded my head.

"This park we're right now is called ILLDZ and is a deserted place that is attended only at nights. It's called ILLDZ which means 'illegal deals zone'. Here come drug dealer that do deals with other drug dealers even drug addicts come here to try their chance at knowing personally the drug dealers so they'll trust them a deal or something like that. Here come lords too, the ones who want to have an affair with one of us, the prostitutes that are here. I see you're with a little kid and it may get dangerous for you here so with all the knowledge I have for this place I'll say you should leave immediately. You have to take the path that is occupied by people, I hope none is going to see you because of they do I don't know what's gonna happen to you. You know it's not usual for this place to have new faces that's why I'm saying that it'll be good for you if none sees you. I think I made myself clear enough for you to leave as soon as possible, I need to get some rest before they will come. Excuse me." She got up from the bench she was sitting with me and went to another one to lay down. I was so confused but as she was talking to me and as I was seeing the place around us i totally understood what was going on. This place really give you the chills but I was so tired when I was carrying Bruce that I have seen this place.

I thought that in the night places like this were deserted because they were occupied by kids at days but you know not everything you once thought it's real it's really real, if you know what I mean.

I saw the clock and it shows 02:45 am, wow it's so early in the morning and I haven't seen a face yet. But I better hurry because I don't want to find out what will happen if I stay, not with my sunshine by my side atleast.

As I was lifting Bruce and making my way to the luggage I heard footsteps. I hurried and prayed that none saw me as I was making my way to exit the park. It was hard to carry Bruce with one hand and carrying the luggage with the other hand I could be good at lifting weights, you see how I try to make myself relax but it isn't working because I still hear the footsteps and they're nearer than before. I stopped and turned to see who's there but saw none so I continued. I passed the park successfully and was walking to a unfamiliar street, I tried to listen to that girl instructions but for gods sakes which street is occupied by people at 3:20 am.

All the weight I was lifting and the tiredness of not sleeping was wearing me out, I had no place to go. Even if I die tonight I'm never going to return to that hell. It's like living in hell is becoming a habit of mine, everywhere I go turns out to be a hell, only bad things happen to
me. God, I think Lucifer is seeing me on his own and making things this way for

I spotted an alley wich was enlightened and I saw it as a good opportunity to rest a bit.

As I made my way to this place, it stinks. I saw it was full of trash cans and stray cats but i had no other choice knowing that if we stay at a posed place we may be in danger.

I layed the luggage in between the trash cans and then layed Bruce on top of the luggage. I covered him with a blanked and then placed myself opposite him so I could see him clearly. I was really quiet and scary. The light started to turn of leaving just the moon to shine the streets. As I told you Lucifer was dealing with me and right now he was playing tricks with me.

I saw the clock and it was 3:45 am as soon as I closed my eyes I heard voices. I opened them in a rush and tried to find out the voices.

"I never thought he'll be like this." Came a faint voice, I guess it was a male.

"Yeah that son of a bitch didn't give us anything." This man was really angry I could say it by only hearing his voice. But unfortunately he sound we're coming nearer. Bruce was moving and fell from the luggage making a loud sound echoing through the quiet place.

I didn't hear the voices of the two men anymore. Bruce started to cry and was shaking. I went to him and tried to say soothing words to him but to no use.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" All the blood I had drained from my body after hearing that voice.

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