Saved by his name

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I prayed to all the gods I knew that this wasn't real, as if I'll wake up from this dream and all the things I've been through were only nightmares.

I turned my head with Bruce in my arms, pushing his head in the crock of my neck trying to quit down the cries that were coming from him.

And there I saw the person that haunted my childhood, that person who even as a child I knew I shouldn't be let alone with cause his aura had bad intentions, in all his 'glory' stood there Clark Baiter, my late father's friend. He always played tricks on me but i was a kid back then so i kept it to myself.

"If this isn't my little Flever, wow I thought I'll never see you again my dear." He talked as he was coming closer to were I was, his voice had a husky tone I don't know I just found it so disgusting.

"Hello uncle Clark." I tried to make some senses to him, I hoped my trick will work. Maybe calling him uncle will stop his whatever intentions with me.

"Nck nck nck... my little Rose those tricks don't work on me now as I'm seeing the goddess that is in front of me." Now I'm soo scared, knowing that I have no chances. I really hope nothing bad happens to me tonight.

Bruce was talking to me but I was focused in his eyes, the way they were shining was giving me bad vibes.

"Shishi Flev... go home... pliz." I don't know how to explain him the situation we're in now but wishing only if he was more grown up so he could save us.

"Shhhsh baby, you're with sisi Flev now oke?" I tried to call him down and I hope he doesn't have an attack anytime soon. Having Alzheimer at the age of 4 isn't good because even doctors don't know how to deal with it and what's the purpose of it cause at this age not everything is developed properly. I'm so scared for him.

He putted his head on the crock of my neck and inhealing deeply.

"Can you let us leave Uncle?" I asked him, every word I spoke was dripping with pure hate.

He chuckled which made me wanting to throw up. I really was having a bad feeling and wasn't feeling well.

"Oo Rose we have things to do together, now let us start ok? Take the boy away!" He said to the other man who was by his side, I held Bruce tightly by myself as the man was coming towards me.

"No please, no!" I begged him, don't want anything bad happening to Bruce.

"Levito" was what Bruce whispered to my ear and I saw him confused, what?

The man came and tried to take Bruce from my arms, I held him tighter. It was like a war, I was helding him like my life deepended on him which it does because he's everything I have left and the only reason why I should be strong and keep up with this shit of a life. His tries were becoming more rough as he took Bruce from my arms and pushed me. I felt with my face in the ground, my lip was bleeding now. Great. He was dragging Bruce out of the alley but I said something that made him stoop in his tracks.

"Levito" I screamed with as much strength as I could.

Dead silence possessed the place.

"" Clark muttered out, if I wasn't listening intensily to what was coming next I wouldn't be able to make out what he said. It was fear I saw in his face. Even his voice was shaking. The man that was dragging Bruce turned to me.

"Rose...mhm mhm...what are you saying?" He cleared his throat and tried to collect his composure.

"Levito" I said again trying to sound confident on what I said and what I'm saying, I need to make something up right now but nothing was coming to my mind.

"I heard you the first time Flever but how do you know him?" He was more serious now, was calling me on my name and his tone was frightening. Omg I need to think somthing right now because if I don't then he'll now that I just made it out.

"It doesn't matter to you, now let us leave and bring Bruce to me." Wow I never knew i would ever sound this confident. My mind was making a dance on its own now.

Clark made a nod with his head and the man that was holding Bruce freed him, I opened my arms as I invited Bruce to them. I hugged him tight.

"For the laving part I don't think it will be possible for now." Hold up was that confidence I was hearing, after seeing him frightened just from hearing that name.

I wonder how Bruce knew this name, and how did he knew only saying this name would save us. How could he even remember anyway, I think when god wants to help you he sends all the possibilities to the impossibilities so you could see and say WOW I'm not forgotten by god.

"What do you mean, leave us before things go out of control." I tried to threaten him and I think it worked somehow.

"Be a good girl now and tell me how you know him, come on." He insisted in knowing but I don't have any idea what I was going to say.

He was stepping closer to me and those shining eyes were back.

"I love it when you get all sassy mode." Omg he wasn't buying my lie. I'm so screwed right now.

Now he was standing face to face with me. He started to cares my cheek making me shiver. All the time he was starting at my lips.

"Would you tell me Rose?" Back to the nicknames, shit.

Come on Fleve. You're good at making things up why not now.

I'm really aware that the words that are going to come out of my mouth now will definitely change my life but I'll do everything to save us at this moment.

"He's... he's my ... Husband." I said while closing my eyes.

I felt his hand leave my cheek and steeping backwards.

"What? He never let us know that." He was stepping backwards as if being close to me would burn him or something.

"Well there are reasons, I'm his wife and this boy you mistreated is his only child."

Again, pin drop silence possessed the place.

I'm sorry this chapter is short but I wanted to make it up to you cause every chapter I write ends with a suspension so yeah.

Any questions? I would love to know what you think for this book so far. Love you 💜💜💜

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